Records Held

The number of times a player appears in the top 30 records for any skill, including Overall, on CML. The maximum value is 116 since there are 29 skills and 4 different time periods (5 minute, day, week, and month). Year records have been purposely excluded.

1.  Karma37
2. Moksi35
3. Sunkcostflcy35
4. Time Paradog34
5.  Light ♡29
6. Sir Prayer29
7.  Lib Tech28
8. T0ni228
9.  Borsi25
10. Cruz23
11. Sm3x20
12. Change Name20
13. Ssoad19
14. Hampus19
15. Harmony19
16. Vladymyr 12318
17. Scuzzy17
18. Yummy Duckys17
19. Flat Irn Bru17
20. Friuti17
21. Zodo17
22. Loli Nel16
23. Grif Summon16
24. Krystin16
25. Rewards16
26. Lvls15
27. Aggravate15
28. Lyodin15
29. Mrfox11515
30. Da Broman114
31. Drowns14
32. Gerard14
33. Hatin14
34. L3314
35. Douzy14
36. Muffinman5314
37. Karmaa14
38. Le Me13
39. Makaveli13
40. Divine13
41. Fade13
42. Califa13
43.  Mexk13
44. Reaction13
45. Fairy13
46. Erasold13
47. Zilandra13
48. Salawa13
49. Mud Fresh13
50. Xuhe13
51. Jiggity13
52. Evxo13
53. Omid12
54. Daltonn12
55. Zoonix12
56. Concise12
57. Arr12
58. Drumgun12
59. Goalie12
60. Gustav12
61. Kyr Sp33dy12
62. Darkness741112
63. Zephaxp12
64. Nobben12
65. Ruw12
66. J Me12
67. Dec11
68. Roca11
69. J A Me S11
70. Ewife11
71. Bloody Ben11
72. Matoya11
73. Pennsylvania11
74. Vub11
75. Madmaxd11
76. Dragonseance10
77. Zac10
78. Vaati10
79. Gainz10
80. Crayola10
81. Drw10
82. Veggie10
83. Flatters10
84. A Revelation10
85. Im Very Lazy10
86. Captain Cody10
87. Mikro19
88. Tinder Chick9
89. Laiz9
90. Its Dave9
91. Carcass9
92. Boosting9
93. Ghidrahson9
94. Wormites9
95. Dymphna89
96. Johanne Iv9
97. Druv8
98. Forsberg8888
99. Yo Blue8
100. Alluka8
101. Blob8
102. Unicef8
103. Ahsigh8
104. G0d Vs D3vil8
105. Efferent8
106. Alan8
107. Baked Otter8
108. Erlend8
109. Skills Talk8
110. Tankky8
111. Enlen8
112. Lorith8
113. Zifa8
114. Just Hib8
115. Snow Wight8
116. Buddhism7
117. Masterbuck17
118. Roger Al7
119. Joffrey7
120. Mr Prayer7
121. 1220687
122. J Ulian7
123. Edrum7
124. Jn7
125. Oblivion P K7
126. Skills 0wnez7
127. Xps7
128. Mr Jinglez7
129. Akunologia7
130. Im Rami7
131. Wosby7
132. Silentcookie7
133. Neil7
134. Haken7
135. Camlla7
136. Didak7
137. Kimjongskill7
138. Health Boost7
139. Anaheimducks7
140. Row7
141. A Lv Too Low6
142. Mizzou6
143. Jumper0006
144. Kirito6
145. Almostlost6
146. Jcw6
147. Dreekz6
148. Xelent6
149. Adam Is Nutz6
150. Poppe6
151. Sage Black6
152. Hagdar6
153. Arisk Gud6
154. Smi6
155. Lovvel6
156. Whitemagem6
157. Doom 41126
158. Jeremie41596
159. 9996
160. Jamandy526
161. Striker8 06
162. Zezorko6
163. J3f6
164. Gravy6
165. Souless9116
166. Ash576
167. Vanren6
168. Elicit5
169. Simon5
170. Erics5
171. Gloomy5
172. N8b5
173. Water5
174. Randles5
175. Notnau5
176. Persiflage5
177. Abras5
178. Nvdw5
179.  Alkan5
180. Meepmeep5
181. Goku3ss35
182. Juggo5
183. Tae Kwon Zo5
184. Catie Cat5
185. Sensation5
186. 24 7 3655
187. Fireair5
188. Daka5
189. Wac5
190. Steath Ryno5
191. Reynsla5
192. Turjilin5
193. Lojup5
194. Crazyi3oy5
195. Gunnar5
196. Jose Return5
197. Legacy Of Kg5
198. Alvil5
199. Jmpntoad5
200. Infesmati5

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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