
Create competition from test1
Current Top for test1
Records for test1

Group ID: 29260
Total names in group: 18
Total names in database: 15
Total datapoints: 49,622
Total efficient time played: 53,353 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 15
Average virtual total level: 2,516
Average virtual combat level: 147.2
Total XP: 19,878,060,448
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 28,547,080
Total XP gained this month: 160,417,509

Average XP of each player:
1,325,204,029 xp
98,957,333 xp (lvl 119)
85,707,716 xp (lvl 118)
122,619,966 xp (lvl 121)
144,923,789 xp (lvl 123)
117,959,291 xp (lvl 121)
25,732,109 xp (lvl 105)
62,708,526 xp (lvl 114)
71,620,271 xp (lvl 116)
69,676,495 xp (lvl 115)
32,804,650 xp (lvl 108)
35,211,411 xp (lvl 109)
59,913,483 xp (lvl 114)
39,920,172 xp (lvl 110)
20,778,677 xp (lvl 103)
26,119,055 xp (lvl 106)
33,226,918 xp (lvl 108)
25,467,313 xp (lvl 105)
57,073,267 xp (lvl 113)
38,017,763 xp (lvl 109)
82,893,017 xp (lvl 117)
23,301,877 xp (lvl 104)
32,828,757 xp (lvl 108)
17,742,164 xp (lvl 102)

Players in group (18):
1. Jyhy
2. Hard Filmur1
3. Dead Kantus
4. Yberi
5. Sae Bae
6. Osu
7. Eon Jin
8. My Ironmain
9. Btv
10. $35.00 Donator Ashleigh
11. Blessonetime
12. $35.00 Donator Evezt
13. Ylff
14. Griffin
15. All Peachy
16. Fregion
17. $35.00 Donator Zombeenation
18. Pulza

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (3):
1. Dead Kantus
2. Eon Jin
3. $35.00 Donator Zombeenation
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