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Ranged Hiscores: Current Top for oblv aug2018

  |   Year ->


1. Cygni109,307
2. Katinas88,930
3. Starfish20,908
4. Mr Rebirth10,870
5. Deceive2,974


1. Xambitz2,275,093
2. Knight Of 32,055,556
3. Katinas1,730,953
4. Starfish1,053,041
5. Zorros967,869
6. Mr Rebirth574,008
7. Cygni543,742
8. Peremees370,135
9. Stephan239,814
10. Deceive237,338
11. Tyrael181,792
12. Iphone110,096
13. Rip David94,053
14. Saqib57,881
15. Purplightplz44,340
16. Bruv18,747
17. Jeffen9,957
18. Nogal5,318


1. Xambitz6,414,647
2. Knight Of 34,977,146
3. Katinas4,748,609
4. Pmy394,613,393
5. Pie3,195,674
6. Zorros3,155,425
7. Fiiggy2,342,728
8. Aleks2,327,688
9. Mr Rebirth2,030,758
10. Peremees1,927,533
11. Cygni1,818,595
12. Boed1,759,540
13. Kandarin1,656,556
14. Roussel1,502,144
15. Starfish1,401,847
16. Holyentity1,239,484
17. Iphone1,170,187
18. Striker8 01,163,919
19. Nikskill858,061
20. Rip David832,779
21. Notroyal666,793
22. Tai Mai Shuu629,141
23. Impeccable596,445
24. Stephan590,945
25. Jobann425,475
26. Deuxth391,706
27. Leojayt375,052
28. Tyrael355,256
29. Mayhaps324,565
30. Neoo286,454
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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