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Overall Hiscores: Current Top for oblv aug2018

  |   Year ->


1. Indian806,550
2. Damn Its Sam634,089
3. Bigx295,866
4. Katinas272,237
5. Leojayt260,971
6. Peremees129,192
7. Qwinny93,117


1. Indian20,786,580
2. $35.00 Donator Fungi10,662,210
3. Knight Of 38,310,367
4. Damn Its Sam7,542,890
5. Peremees7,477,143
6. Jobann2,142,446
7. Bigx2,084,745
8. R0y1,620,855
9. Starfish1,554,213
10. Katinas1,214,920
11. Leojayt1,065,944
12. Qwinny698,447
13. Sloper175,214
14. Jeffen89,760
15. Nogal16,901


1. $35.00 Donator Fungi63,095,656
2. Indian54,408,707
3. Knight Of 332,205,783
4. Damn Its Sam26,621,548
5. Peremees13,872,132
6. R0y12,203,392
7. Roussel11,422,484
8. Pie9,640,615
9. Katinas9,342,580
10. Aleks9,169,168
11. Impeccable9,024,788
12. Spectroll8,226,400
13. Bigx7,081,109
14. Wingyy6,817,325
15. Fiiggy6,429,765
16. Jobann6,051,686
17. Kandarin5,398,740
18. Starfish4,047,523
19. Ilija3,906,094
20. Zorros3,474,629
21. Leojayt3,299,866
22. Explorer3,273,650
23. Striker8 02,873,458
24. Qwinny2,284,633
25. Holyentity2,053,599
26. Boed1,855,994
27. A J1,740,685
28. Tyrael1,715,953
29. Nayna1,657,227
30. Dream Realm1,581,797
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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