Create competition from MaltaCurrent Top for Malta
Records for Malta
Total names in group: 29
Total names in database: 0
Total datapoints: 0
Total efficient time played: 0 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 0
Average virtual total level: 0
Average virtual combat level: 0
Total XP: 0
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (29):
1. Soul Gazer
2. Netbook Pro
3. Jean Paul
4. X Gary
5. Maltaa
6. Chris Returm
7. Benelli 121
8. Z E N A K U
9. Santandre
10. Sikuu
11. Bruce 619
12. Xkurt
13. Francesco
14. Truly Pow
15. Heliana
16. Calicoxon
17. Pizel
18. Fumuu
19. Eyy Macarena
20. Dissonant
21. Ruzzy
22. Rune2598
23. Ur2noob4me69
24. Anyon 4
25. Il Killer1
26. Eyebrow
27. Turjilin
28. Skalecc
29. Risky Beauty
Players in group not in database (2):
1. chris_returm
2. risky_beauty
Players in group not on hiscores (29):
1. Anyon 4
2. Bruce 619
3. Calicoxon
4. Fumuu
5. Heliana
6. Il Killer1
7. Rune2598
8. Santandre
9. Sikuu
10. Skalecc
11. Truly Pow
12. Ur2noob4me69
13. Xkurt
14. X Gary
15. Z E N A K U
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