Records Held excluding SI Overall

The number of times a player appears in the top 30 records for any skill, including Overall, on CML. The maximum value is 116 since there are 29 skills and 4 different time periods (5 minute, day, week, and month). Year records have been purposely excluded.

401. Saturn2
402. Miner2
403. Salamander2
404. Zi2
405. Darkseance2
406. Red Topaz2
407. Um Rocks12
408. Bubblenab2
409. Hagire2
410. Hennemo2
411. Darkscape2
412. Big David2
413. Jesk V12
414. Match Killer2
415. Slaughtersam2
416. Macaws2
417. Darty62
418. Azash2
419. Joshua B2
420. Revo2
421. Nova2
422. Island2
423. Koltin2
424. Ice2
425. Dcn2
426. Ry2
427. Loe2
428. Thumb Thumb2
429. Pana2
430. Heatley2
431. Zxam2
432. Rhysj2
433. Simo2
434. Vggrcm2
435. Mli2
436. Add My2
437. Wuv Woo Wots2
438. Cjh2
439. Isam2
440. Havbris2
441. Ecruteak2
442. Lord Of Apes2
443.  Ltyler2
444. Plank2
445. Bhyske2
446. Nsx2
447. Lafaborn2
448. Tou Himz2
449. Beatthebest2
450. Vadha2

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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