Records Held

The number of times a player appears in the top 30 records for any skill, including Overall, on CML. The maximum value is 116 since there are 29 skills and 4 different time periods (5 minute, day, week, and month). Year records have been purposely excluded.

1401. Aggs1
1402. Nick A1
1403. Elyx1
1404. Powerhouse1
1405. Tisaltijdiet1
1406. 10kcollector1
1407. Worm1
1408. Henrecc1
1409. Cha Kuh1
1410. Bammaze1
1411. Bad Keyer1
1412. Zargole1
1413. L U Ke1
1414. Bobbyjg31
1415. Jake31
1416. Robbe1
1417. Chonito1
1418. Mr Glidz1
1419. Pislices1
1420. Abs01
1421. Fod1
1422. Clayton 691
1423. Rarity Belle1
1424. Ironcamel1
1425. Im Shiddy1
1426. Vitte1
1427. 0pp1
1428. Reindeer Hat1
1429. Maxedescobar1
1430. Live Lucky1
1431. Djjacco1
1432. Vlad Drakkan1
1433. Suffered1
1434. 3lement B1
1435. Darkmagiixx1
1436. Slushyo1
1437. Josh Ii1
1438. Zapphix1
1439. Pokemon1
1440. Flux1
1441. Vanna1
1442. Daemmerlicht1
1443. 0 O Beast1
1444. Leenara1
1445. Im Elisabeth1
1446. Bigmapcaller1
1447. Takashi691
1448. Saniok1
1449. Mypurplecape1
1450. Itsa Hc Life1
1451.  Il1
1452. Asola81
1453. Grimiinal1
1454. Who Da Who1
1455. Onv1
1456. Dat Engineer1
1457. Heart Rate1
1458. Mty71
1459. Onyx Zuldor1
1460. Combatstudy1
1461. Parasect1

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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