
Create competition from RuneHQ April FM comp
Current Top for RuneHQ April FM comp
Records for RuneHQ April FM comp

Total names in group: 20
Total names in database: 0
Total datapoints: 0
Total efficient time played: 0 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 0
Average virtual total level: 0
Average virtual combat level: 0
Total XP: 0
Total XP gained today: 301,545
Total XP gained this week: 301,545
Total XP gained this month: 29,526,857

Average XP of each player:
0 xp
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)

Players in group (20):
1. Ksb Single
2. Chathmurrpau
3. With Faith
4. Senug5
5. Dorky Girl
6. Loucetios
7. Aaros
8. Telle
9. Wick Swift
10. Toeby
11. Super Fly
12. Fuzzyjoe162
13. Hankinator
14. Hope 1789
15. Numerous One
16. Graystar
17. Sirius Xm
18. Rdranger2020
19. Zing 1
20. Balista77

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (20):
1. Dorky Girl
2. Hankinator
3. Hope 1789
4. Toeby
5. Wick Swift
6. With Faith
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