Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +25,068,333 | +22.09 |
Attack | +24,112 | +0.01 |
Defence | +321,794 | +0.16 |
Strength | +24,114 | +0.01 |
Constitution | 0 | 0 |
Ranged | +78,277 | +0.03 |
Prayer | 0 | 0 |
Magic | 0 | 0 |
Cooking | +3,853,939 | +4.24 |
Woodcutting | +639,731 | +0.64 |
Fletching | 0 | 0 |
Fishing | +2,080,120 | +3.06 |
Firemaking | 0 | 0 |
Crafting | +463,437 | +0.55 |
Smithing | +1,812,050 | +0.37 |
Mining | +961,531 | +1.27 |
Herblore | +283,032 | +0.13 |
Agility | +1,380,841 | 0 |
Thieving | +4,185,490 | +3.35 |
Slayer | +196,983 | +0.20 |
Farming | 0 | 0 |
Runecrafting | +862,073 | +1.92 |
Hunter | +3,621,050 | +4.11 |
Construction | +378,587 | +0.25 |
Summoning | 0 | 0 |
Dungeoneering | +1,912 | +0.00 |
Divination | +1,442,120 | +1.80 |
>Invention | 0 | 0 |
Archaeology | 0 | 0 |
EHP | +22.09 | +101 | | |
EHP-IM | +44.57 | |
EHP-3Cmb | +22.09 | |
WarsretreatShowing average 1 week gains over the last 7 months, and 4 weeks