Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +96,802 | +0.04 |
Attack | +5,130 | +0.00 |
Defence | +16,749 | +0.01 |
Strength | +1,044 | +0.00 |
Constitution | +7,495 | 0 |
Ranged | +45 | +0.00 |
Prayer | +7,283 | +0.01 |
Magic | +55 | +0.00 |
>Cooking | +17 | +0.00 |
Woodcutting | +210 | +0.00 |
Fletching | +2,537 | +0.00 |
Fishing | +254 | +0.00 |
Firemaking | +5,146 | +0.00 |
Crafting | +12 | +0.00 |
Smithing | +285 | +0.00 |
Mining | +13 | +0.00 |
Herblore | +12,798 | +0.01 |
Agility | +1,260 | 0 |
Thieving | +7,653 | +0.01 |
Slayer | 0 | 0 |
Farming | +4,086 | +0.00 |
Runecrafting | +376 | +0.00 |
Hunter | +2 | +0.00 |
Construction | +19 | +0.00 |
Summoning | +2,550 | +0.00 |
Dungeoneering | +416 | +0.00 |
Divination | +65 | +0.00 |
Invention | +21,302 | 0 |
Archaeology | 0 | 0 |
EHP | +0.04 | -3 | | |
VenlatankkaaShowing average 1 week gains over the last 5 years, and 10 months