Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +9,198,429 | +6.03 |
Attack | +229,979 | +0.11 |
Defence | +413,750 | +0.21 |
Strength | +262,969 | +0.13 |
Constitution | +162,749 | 0 |
Ranged | +272,538 | +0.09 |
Prayer | +405,671 | +0.29 |
Magic | +143,846 | +0.06 |
Cooking | 0 | 0 |
Woodcutting | +404,701 | +0.40 |
Fletching | +404,348 | +0.29 |
Fishing | +189,392 | +0.28 |
Firemaking | +218,629 | +0.08 |
Crafting | +403,784 | +0.48 |
Smithing | +384,530 | +0.08 |
Mining | +399,546 | +0.53 |
Herblore | +394,021 | +0.18 |
Agility | +415,036 | 0 |
Thieving | +405,541 | +0.32 |
Slayer | +350,369 | +0.35 |
Farming | +382,923 | +0.08 |
>Runecrafting | +363,652 | +0.81 |
Hunter | +411,822 | +0.47 |
Construction | +402,943 | +0.27 |
Summoning | +410,175 | +0.03 |
Dungeoneering | 0 | 0 |
Divination | +400,184 | +0.50 |
Invention | 0 | 0 |
Archaeology | +482,667 | 0 |
EHP | +6.03 | +6 | | |
VeggieShowing average 1 week gains over the last 7 years, and 11 months