Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +8,125,920 | +5.67 |
Attack | +205,421 | +0.10 |
Defence | +586,728 | +0.29 |
Strength | +206,968 | +0.10 |
Constitution | 0 | 0 |
Ranged | +305,832 | +0.10 |
Prayer | +191,934 | +0.14 |
Magic | +27,621 | +0.01 |
Cooking | +85,575 | +0.09 |
Woodcutting | +223,761 | +0.22 |
Fletching | +134,622 | +0.10 |
Fishing | +266,526 | +0.39 |
Firemaking | +271,095 | +0.10 |
Crafting | +344,968 | +0.41 |
Smithing | +215,144 | +0.04 |
Mining | +265,657 | +0.35 |
Herblore | +55,170 | +0.03 |
Agility | +510,416 | 0 |
Thieving | +384,283 | +0.31 |
Slayer | +364,191 | +0.36 |
Farming | +454,329 | +0.09 |
Runecrafting | +534,305 | +1.19 |
Hunter | +336,066 | +0.38 |
Construction | +490,042 | +0.33 |
Summoning | +331,390 | +0.02 |
Dungeoneering | +36,308 | +0.02 |
>Divination | +389,798 | +0.49 |
Invention | 0 | 0 |
Archaeology | +140,704 | 0 |
EHP | +5.67 | -70 | | |
EHP-3Cmb | +5.67 | |
Ryner LootShowing average 1 week gains over the last 3 years, and 3 weeks