Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +10,045,411 | +6.64 |
Attack | +349,128 | +0.17 |
Defence | +394,713 | +0.20 |
Strength | +394,190 | +0.20 |
Constitution | +266,630 | 0 |
Ranged | +199,812 | +0.07 |
Prayer | +381,057 | +0.27 |
Magic | +282,879 | +0.11 |
Cooking | +390,673 | +0.43 |
Woodcutting | +389,337 | +0.39 |
Fletching | +386,757 | +0.28 |
Fishing | +376,127 | +0.55 |
Firemaking | +374,090 | +0.14 |
Crafting | +384,689 | +0.45 |
Smithing | +337,245 | +0.07 |
Mining | +325,560 | +0.43 |
Herblore | +381,517 | +0.17 |
Agility | +380,363 | 0 |
Thieving | +384,709 | +0.31 |
Slayer | +260,939 | +0.26 |
Farming | +374,877 | +0.07 |
Runecrafting | +387,467 | +0.86 |
Hunter | +391,303 | +0.44 |
Construction | +377,055 | +0.25 |
Summoning | +300,829 | +0.02 |
>Dungeoneering | 0 | 0 |
Divination | +388,841 | +0.49 |
Invention | +336,734 | 0 |
Archaeology | +423,945 | 0 |
EHP | +6.64 | ? | | |
MpegShowing average 1 week gains over the last 9 years, and 2 weeks