Skill | XP | EHP |
Overall | +6,925,749 | +3.71 |
Attack | +372,428 | +0.19 |
Defence | +371,271 | +0.19 |
Strength | +372,428 | +0.19 |
Constitution | +369,951 | 0 |
Ranged | +370,245 | +0.12 |
Prayer | +140,076 | +0.10 |
Magic | +368,184 | +0.15 |
Cooking | +240,677 | +0.26 |
Woodcutting | +100,219 | +0.10 |
Fletching | +140,084 | +0.10 |
Fishing | +228,409 | +0.34 |
Firemaking | +167,585 | +0.06 |
Crafting | +97,495 | +0.11 |
Smithing | +109,568 | +0.02 |
>Mining | +164,051 | +0.22 |
Herblore | +372,267 | +0.17 |
Agility | +124,231 | 0 |
Thieving | +194,439 | +0.16 |
Slayer | +370,929 | +0.37 |
Farming | +372,288 | +0.07 |
Runecrafting | +93,713 | +0.21 |
Hunter | +145,201 | +0.17 |
Construction | +111,560 | +0.07 |
Summoning | +191,799 | +0.01 |
Dungeoneering | +312,582 | +0.16 |
Divination | +140,643 | +0.18 |
Invention | +373,097 | 0 |
Archaeology | +341,962 | 0 |
EHP | +3.71 | ? | | |
EHP-IM | +8.94 | |
BlakelandShowing average 1 week gains over the last 10 years, and 3 months