Efficient Hours Played Records

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271. Msb68.15
272. Mazmerok68.11
273. Captain Cody68.02
274. Vadha67.89
275. Herby Werby67.89
276. M Age67.85
277. Kullu67.81
278. Xuhe67.68
279. Cheeselets67.52
280. Dans67.44
281. Hennemo67.33
282. Drowns67.00
283. Stormion66.98
284. Pheeel66.95
285. Jamandy5266.89
286. Lamps66.81
287. Anjo66.75
288. Zyzz1966.65
289. Sone66.62
290. Prayer Cape66.39
291. Ronb040466.38
292. Think Alike66.15
293. Hunther66.13
294. T3hgladiator65.88
295. Tsuk65.69
296. Starkdizzle65.63
297. Akunologia65.57
298. Gravy65.45
299. Bard00365.25
300. A Revelation65.06


271. J Ac0b168.98
272. Subtle168.95
273. Butterfree168.68
274. Fln168.17
275. Abras167.68
276. Bowi167.49
277. Its Jord167.07
278. Notice166.96
279. Viherpeukalo166.77
280. Gl166.40
281. Vendyy166.14
282. 999165.98
283. Lovvel165.70
284. Striker8 0165.41
285. Trajas164.63
286. Zea Lot164.48
287. Andy Joy163.92
288. Bunny Years163.72
289. Ice163.69
290. I Sylosis I163.22
291. Garden Pie162.68
292. Evxo162.56
293. Rugmonkey162.41
294. Lafaborn162.11
295. 112161.99
296. Dmv0161.94
297. Iglooo161.80
298. Karimbenzema161.79
299. Samaster161.10
300. Carbon160.96


271. N8b379.29
272. Johanne Iv379.01
273. Jennica378.76
274. Meepmeep378.25
275. Teamleader377.81
276. Wind377.31
277. Butterfree376.82
278. Yoloium376.78
279. Bartt376.11
280. Reitan375.26
281. Dreazd374.80
282. Moppet374.49
283. Ash57373.04
284. Vendyy372.82
285. Tankky372.32
286. Inter371.89
287. Wallace371.36
288. Scilly371.35
289. Macaws371.29
290. Neri371.22
291. The Moo371.05
292. Cruz370.60
293. Downzey370.43
294. Cocoafantasy370.23
295. The Oceana370.02
296. Schnusen370.02
297. Isam368.53
298. Azeleon368.03
299. Cal Is 1000k368.00
300. Zenigate367.59

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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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