Efficient Hours Played Records

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211. Ice78.87
212. Fairy78.81
213. Jimmy8778.79
214. Sliske78.41
215. Shiron Dank78.27
216. Sn4cks78.27
217.  Alkan78.02
218. Mofibo77.70
219. Ayumu77.57
220. Rosella77.44
221. 12206876.99
222. Roan76.99
223. Dragonseance76.92
224. Maloryarcher76.68
225. Ho76.55
226. Donation76.43
227. Water76.36
228. Ally76.32
229. Er Tech Ebah75.84
230. Thys75.51
231. Lines75.22
232. Loli Nel74.81
233. Haken74.81
234. Laggbeer74.76
235. Born For Fin74.68
236. Nubcakes123474.54
237. Sage Black74.50
238. Eltariel74.18
239. Bloody Ben74.14
240. Xelent74.07


211. Sandor183.85
212. Godzilla183.43
213. Torkster183.09
214. Mr2181.99
215. Gaur Thoron181.95
216. Without Rest181.68
217. Byron181.56
218. Dllon181.44
219. Kathos181.07
220. Zenigate181.05
221. Sn4cks179.42
222. Goku3ss3178.94
223. Tim178.67
224. Jamandy52177.61
225. Godly Done176.69
226. Dragonseance176.54
227. Can Of Soup176.52
228. Smi176.23
229. Eggslap176.20
230. That Is All176.20
231. Forcey176.12
232. Mofibo175.99
233. Pennsylvania175.61
234. Drumgun175.55
235. Majke175.23
236. Ally175.21
237. Crystalseren174.82
238. Drrickmarshl174.39
239. Paperbag174.18
240. Phione174.13


211. Moxieman419.02
212. Sm3x418.52
213. Pogmathon418.20
214. D Hansson417.84
215. Majke415.27
216. Jaws 2 75414.02
217. Phione412.93
218. Blasphemite412.26
219. Falken410.81
220. Ally409.97
221. Oblivion P K409.69
222. Neil409.53
223. Ruskimedveyt408.96
224. Quinez408.18
225. Darkrevision407.46
226. Bebbin407.07
227. B Urn406.40
228. Dans404.51
229. Sn4cks403.91
230. Bubblenab403.90
231. Chantal402.12
232. Bleepy401.87
233. Mrmax401.05
234. Stats To Max400.87
235. Hennemo399.16
236. Juggo397.41
237. Im Very Lazy396.73
238. Polydactylus396.06
239. Zappy395.35
240. Grimiinal395.26

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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