Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Olivierr is not on the hiscores
Wizzy Flame is on the hiscores
Time change: +5,412,460 seconds.
EHP change: +136 hours
0+157,606,440 (3445819892-3288213452)
1+1,898,833 (138760521-136861688)
2+16,679 (128272314-128255635)
3+1,909,156 (138771250-136862094)
4+1,508,024 (197579261-196071237)
5+27,822 (133970883-133943061)
6+537,019 (41400816-40863797)
>7+966,602 (125096741-124130139)
8+16,159,822 (103220219-87060397)
9+336,491 (49046595-48710104)
100 (200000000-200000000)
11+3,918,040 (130502396-126584356)
12+251,405 (54478679-54227274)
13+39,461,103 (141542816-102081713)
14+1,111,414 (64299788-63188374)
15+17,180 (98059246-98042066)
16+37,407 (82624862-82587455)
17+11,435,699 (99273977-87838278)
180 (200000000-200000000)
19+7,559,613 (137492888-129933275)
20+9,681,438 (129291299-119609861)
21+280,835 (118643145-118362310)
22+19,903,997 (112040236-92136239)
23+34,897,509 (104302277-69404768)
240 (200000000-200000000)
250 (200000000-200000000)
26+5,690,352 (117149683-111459331)
270 (200000000-200000000)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) false
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false