Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Vinyls is on the hiscores
Snobs is not on the hiscores
Time change: +1,246,436 seconds.
EHP change: +1 hours
>0+1,500,154 (491600200-490100046)
1+13,872 (14027926-14014054)
20 (15088013-15088013)
30 (13580607-13580607)
4+4,609 (26291588-26286979)
5+55 (17962972-17962917)
60 (14135850-14135850)
70 (26119840-26119840)
8+750,989 (37553074-36802085)
9+2,060 (15732725-15730665)
100 (16666068-16666068)
110 (13625503-13625503)
12+227,645 (16999120-16771475)
130 (13865612-13865612)
14+58,647 (15912219-15853572)
15+137,355 (15810880-15673525)
160 (105406913-105406913)
170 (15165458-15165458)
180 (6690907-6690907)
190 (13112792-13112792)
200 (13828424-13828424)
210 (8080831-8080831)
220 (8379647-8379647)
230 (13672870-13672870)
240 (18611739-18611739)
25+195,302 (6718701-6523399)
260 (7606573-7606573)
27+109,620 (953348-843728)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 1/21

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) true
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false
Transfer mode