Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Inga Swe is not on the hiscores
Jr Goku is not on the hiscores
Time change: +16,555,427 seconds.
EHP change: +23 hours
0+42,332,578 (903899820-861567242)
1+96,272 (6605393-6509121)
2+75,382 (6619456-6544074)
3+71,486 (6787093-6715607)
4+2,146,529 (8468133-6321604)
5+6,475,557 (11197897-4722340)
6+3,807,425 (13098662-9291237)
7+4,987,766 (8325717-3337951)
8+88,150 (105299822-105211672)
9+124,299 (20720277-20595978)
10+66,708 (20798464-20731756)
11+3,277,044 (42458647-39181603)
12+101,583 (108675685-108574102)
13+146,102 (19913091-19766989)
14+37,099 (15725941-15688842)
>15+190,334 (19702839-19512505)
16+49,955 (23143181-23093226)
17+671,892 (22661044-21989152)
18+1,440,978 (30627450-29186472)
19+312,330 (105114987-104802657)
20+636,968 (18232733-17595765)
21+120,290 (16032220-15911930)
22+930,584 (32322118-31391534)
23+187,534 (17227257-17039723)
24+72,859 (13284147-13211288)
25+15,463,524 (104289712-88826188)
26+63,229 (17338210-17274981)
27+690,699 (89229644-88538945)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false