Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Koduotoja is not on the hiscores
Irena is not on the hiscores
Time change: +23,223,125 seconds.
EHP change: +26 hours
>0+41,677,630 (58689623-17011993)
1+1,462,026 (1739516-277490)
2+1,164,065 (1671581-507516)
3+1,363,577 (1656208-292631)
4+2,050,107 (2576186-526079)
5+1,139,079 (1687966-548887)
6+1,300,343 (1630165-329822)
7+2,230,966 (2881780-650814)
8+1,079,905 (1914048-834143)
9+3,307,464 (4851355-1543891)
10+1,229,846 (1800854-571008)
11+1,293,595 (2695948-1402353)
12+1,004,795 (1633182-628387)
13+2,295,461 (2835625-540164)
14+1,350,562 (1994965-644403)
15+1,209,183 (1562180-352997)
16+2,592,961 (3534211-941250)
17+1,708,580 (2072798-364218)
18+1,095,855 (1348642-252787)
19+1,531,999 (2086402-554403)
20+1,424,368 (1882413-458045)
21+531,799 (1349567-817768)
22+752,831 (1568497-815666)
23+1,470,597 (2124483-653886)
24+2,673,481 (2945716-272235)
25+2,854,096 (4650313-1796217)
26+1,551,742 (1986675-434933)
27+8,347 (8347-0)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false