Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Kampy is on the hiscores
Gianttiger is not on the hiscores
Time change: +2,055,324 seconds.
EHP change: +4 hours
>0+10,962,650 (920404091-909441441)
1+3,555,238 (31679031-28123793)
20 (104709294-104709294)
30 (17913201-17913201)
4+1,365,653 (87233566-85867913)
50 (15728933-15728933)
6+34,588 (15106960-15072372)
7+106,887 (107853388-107746501)
80 (17094072-17094072)
9+1,330 (14785166-14783836)
100 (13601941-13601941)
110 (17552528-17552528)
12+1,880 (18135761-18133881)
13+1,246 (14304646-14303400)
14+630 (19513826-19513196)
15+33,065 (16965157-16932092)
16+22,827 (15548853-15526026)
17+98 (13958131-13958033)
18+738,144 (18917694-18179550)
19+1,555,767 (74981184-73425417)
20+181,023 (21315040-21134017)
21+30,712 (13924925-13894213)
22+20,000 (14435960-14415960)
230 (14445831-14445831)
24+8,408 (63149889-63141481)
25+1,219,865 (47401602-46181737)
26+1 (13790917-13790916)
27+2,085,288 (96356595-94271307)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 1/1

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false
Transfer mode