Approve Deny (Requires password)
This name change has already been requested.
Violent Dad is not on the hiscores
Eye Sea Yew is not on the hiscores
Time change: +6,865,500 seconds.
EHP change: +38 hours
>0+99,819,945 (1186235702-1086415757)
1+17,204 (19101792-19084588)
2+16,997,915 (78708505-61710590)
3+41,354 (17220324-17178970)
4+10,449,256 (117029427-106580171)
5+8,839,038 (107781947-98942909)
6+59,140 (20995352-20936212)
7+5,803,319 (138860316-133056997)
8+22,126 (14706770-14684644)
9+69,209 (14376880-14307671)
10+15,121,677 (104588768-89467091)
11+285,380 (19628117-19342737)
12+269,318 (18490197-18220879)
13+339,105 (14596848-14257743)
14+587,383 (17265426-16678043)
15+154,259 (20094307-19940048)
16+348,535 (19415910-19067375)
17+208,442 (17509721-17301279)
18+5,016,112 (88030532-83014420)
19+921,825 (29367423-28445598)
20+596,878 (19298047-18701169)
21+431,477 (16648990-16217513)
22+232,313 (15103358-14871045)
23+109,734 (16175481-16065747)
24+31,919 (13851865-13819946)
25+11,091,102 (61134839-50043737)
26+135,626 (19019119-18883493)
27+21,640,299 (147235441-125595142)
280 (0-0)
Negative experience changes: 0/0

Auto approve conditions:
1: (5) true
2: (1) false
3: (1) true
4: (2) true
5: (1) true
6: (required) true | false