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Attack Hiscores: Records for Evolve Clan


1. 9 Inch1,045,764
2. Xbigthakatx713,531
3. Earf533,957
4. Parsons460,632
5. Jocl407,918
6. Tame The Fro387,848
7. Guillotine378,639
8. Reedsport371,944
9. Squire4hire353,520
10. Myfitnesspal291,063
11. Irish Slayer274,620
12. Chromed271,222
13. Blindrob217,501
14. Jermy200,754
15. Zjiin189,553
16. Bongbilla83,012
17. Kent969,684
18. Dhvaras64,348
19. Grizzlegom6,501
20. Verzam4,325
21. Mastro3,588
22. Monkus1,589


1. 9 Inch5,148,575
2. Earf2,416,027
3. Xbigthakatx1,981,332
4. Guillotine1,774,447
5. Jocl1,747,947
6. Myfitnesspal1,607,877
7. Tame The Fro1,438,119
8. Squire4hire1,388,397
9. Jermy1,242,496
10. Parsons938,809
11. Bongbilla843,908
12. Chromed840,814
13. Blindrob697,948
14. Monkus650,790
15. Solsav583,388
16. Reedsport493,853
17. Irish Slayer461,624
18. Zjiin240,721
19. Kent9216,403
20. Dhvaras188,042
21. Blade Mail174,082
22. Lord Alekish109,001
23. Mastro55,668
24. Grizzlegom22,517
25. Gg Or Ff9,184
26. Insanitii7,811
27. Verzam6,489
28. Westdrake3,000
29. Bllly Mays120


1. 9 Inch10,656,508
2. Dhvaras9,027,256
3. Xbigthakatx6,719,734
4. Earf6,602,018
5. Tame The Fro3,731,915
6. Jermy3,461,543
7. Squire4hire3,290,265
8. Guillotine3,155,385
9. Myfitnesspal2,737,915
10. Reedsport2,472,500
11. Zjiin2,154,289
12. Parsons2,089,443
13. Monkus1,986,970
14. Blindrob1,980,320
15. Chromed1,914,187
16. Jocl1,837,341
17. Solsav1,269,108
18. Mini Dan1,263,745
19. Bllly Mays1,078,042
20. Irish Slayer890,531
21. Bongbilla846,661
22. Kent9712,399
23. Lord Alekish676,359
24. Insanitii476,187
25. Blade Mail452,394
26. Grizzlegom430,761
27. Gg Or Ff299,176
28. Mastro179,089
29. Verzam178,337
30. Enderhorror175,021
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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