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Overall Hiscores: Records for Evolve Clan


1. Myfitnesspal4,294,332
2. Jocl3,752,933
3. Zjiin3,285,625
4. Guillotine2,666,898
5. Xbigthakatx2,569,571
6. Squire4hire2,331,691
7. Blindrob2,151,074
8. Reedsport2,120,160
9. 9 Inch1,862,028
10. Parsons1,687,867
11. Irish Slayer1,621,149
12. Solsav1,567,135
13. Bongbilla1,466,821
14. Jermy1,384,677
15. Earf1,275,811
16. Tame The Fro1,166,400
17. Chromed1,077,427
18. Dhvaras1,003,257
19. Grizzlegom501,601
20. Westdrake277,625
21. Kent9239,960
22. Verzam182,330
23. Monkus73,188
24. Blade Mail60,960
25. Gg Or Ff57,603
26. Insanitii10,714
27. Mastro5,660
28. Enderhorror1,047
29. Bllly Mays553


1. Guillotine18,794,117
2. Blindrob13,037,306
3. Jocl12,594,706
4. Zjiin11,215,293
5. 9 Inch8,497,354
6. Reedsport7,977,575
7. Myfitnesspal7,887,134
8. Irish Slayer7,019,194
9. Earf6,961,447
10. Squire4hire6,528,254
11. Jermy6,254,775
12. Dhvaras5,307,489
13. Solsav5,290,610
14. Xbigthakatx4,998,354
15. Chromed4,678,980
16. Parsons4,630,791
17. Tame The Fro4,532,758
18. Bongbilla3,430,477
19. Grizzlegom2,888,751
20. Kent92,434,669
21. Monkus1,918,777
22. Bllly Mays1,319,282
23. Westdrake1,155,143
24. Gg Or Ff645,097
25. Verzam627,694
26. Blade Mail564,619
27. Mastro311,275
28. Insanitii205,773
29. Lord Alekish177,898
30. Mayday6667,315


1. Guillotine45,019,048
2. 9 Inch34,388,696
3. Dhvaras28,857,212
4. Jocl27,861,335
5. Zjiin25,230,838
6. Blindrob23,401,589
7. Reedsport20,345,262
8. Kent919,317,222
9. Jermy19,143,676
10. Earf18,452,729
11. Squire4hire18,214,146
12. Tame The Fro17,841,794
13. Myfitnesspal17,337,771
14. Xbigthakatx15,891,606
15. Chromed14,917,909
16. Irish Slayer14,285,494
17. Parsons11,144,641
18. Solsav11,069,725
19. Grizzlegom9,725,713
20. Bllly Mays9,336,922
21. Bongbilla8,691,807
22. Mastro7,912,240
23. Monkus7,379,560
24. Verzam3,913,487
25. Lord Alekish3,165,804
26. Gg Or Ff2,968,233
27. Mini Dan2,483,030
28. Insanitii2,375,741
29. Enderhorror2,104,833
30. Blade Mail1,580,511
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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