Change Name
This feature allows players to change their name on RuneScape and begin tracking XP with their new display name without losing all of their old name's data points. All data points and records will be retained and be transferred to your new display name. After you submit your name change request, the name change may be approved automatically. If not, be patient. Your name change request will have to be manually approved.
*Optional. Want to improve the site by submitting name changes for other players? Type your RSN into this text box and we will keep track of how many name changes you submit. Click here to find names to change. Click here to view a list of the players whom have submitted the most name changes.
Recent name change requests (approved, denied, pending):
F2p Comic -> Cosmic Mistt (24d22h1m45s)
God Is Bis -> Dorito Pope (25d34m37s)
Mufflers -> Flsh Fingers (25d12h34m53s)
559epos -> 11mercy11 (25d18h28m25s)
Geert Jan -> 4rie (25d20h4m31s)
Ghryszko -> Sturdy Fool (26d53m34s)
Im Robin Hi -> Lm Monkey (26d9h27m19s) - Requested by Robin
Hangmannnn -> Hazzbeen (27d1h39m18s)
Itsbar -> Bahr (27d4h1m47s) - Requested by Bahr
Thotdaddy -> Bigus Donkus (27d16h1m3s)
H000ds -> H00ds (27d16h45m20s)
Chrismaxtime -> 23 X 99 2277 (27d19h34m12s)
Ipc Rohs -> Activ Shoota (27d20h41m35s)

Stern Vern -> Stern Fern (28d12h8m59s) - Requested by Stern Fern
Proxipus -> Bruine Pruim (28d19h35m21s)
Coofremover -> I T S Jover (29d14h53m17s) - Requested by Uiki
Gim Meatbtr -> Gim No Meat (30d50m11s)
Old Name -> Catherbae (30d5h52m26s) - Requested by Eyyowas
Ironstingray -> Stingraymd (30d21h14m5s)
Nicks Nan -> Cheese Tots (31d15m7s) - Requested by Cheese Tots
Irl Femboy -> Estradi0l (31d10h38m34s)
Blowmedudefr -> Ceoassasin (31d12h16m43s) - Requested by Ceoassasin
Crosscrs -> Ih8protein (32d21h26m2s)
Barnaga -> Swagblaze1 (33d11h9m16s)
1def Cook -> Thc Cook (33d13h31m23s) - Requested by Abo Cartel

Albion Park -> Im Layne (34d8h49m11s)
Tara Konas -> Aidukas (34d16h27m43s)

Showing 30