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Total XP on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. $145.00 Donator + @LavineOSRS Lavine 🐾3,739,879,821
2. Headline3,681,529,057
3. P K Slays3,422,052,784
4. Beleg3,171,858,946
5. Edgecrusher3,065,959,149
6. Jcw3,016,167,012
7. Plundering3,005,376,435
8. Egypt69693,004,222,510
9. Rikdo Koshi3,001,153,205
10. Snap It3,000,914,279
11. Predatorffml2,980,739,178
12. Cerpintaxtrs2,936,874,035
13. $35.00 Donator St0pban1ngme2,931,480,186
14. Steffrs2,910,702,516
15. Mr Cuthbert2,864,839,545
16. Hthuhrhihnho2,737,240,059
17. Wnt2be200kg2,661,434,183
18. 62876 1a Mnd2,650,889,443
19. Douzy2,649,159,005
20. S Tuey2,619,504,318
21. 130mm Tarsal2,603,312,364
22. So00o0o0lace2,545,385,135
23. Axtdazoroark2,533,131,335
24. Kozmic Blues2,518,089,178
25. Miianhuatang2,481,849,912
26. Yuri Demon2,456,088,731
27. Joshie2,452,150,473
28. Hyperobese2,437,271,579
29. Solacelluvat2,379,733,718
30. Rezs2,370,578,613

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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