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Total XP for A AS s Skill of the Week competition W on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. Willasaurus494,474,120
2. Thanosislife430,837,268
3. Legend Metal252,168,295
4. Drumlime167,666,241
5. Deaf Step157,350,909
6. Ven Xd137,753,323
7. Blocky Pop78,595,462
8. Lvl Ten Hp78,211,310
9. Goddess Lily71,355,332
10. Obeying65,149,805
11. The Zero55,272,347
12. Jay Wrath 6644,594,161
13. Lancecocuski30,809,766
14. Smart Idiott21,660,957
15. Godkingnelly11,437,912

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