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Total XP on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. H V H947,695,913
2. Skirt First478,630,452
3. Level 42320,399,790
4. Slow2k319,455,466
5. Paidondeath266,410,720
6. Red Devil 15236,010,325
7. Unreal 10hp223,900,445
8. Real 11hp223,900,425
9. Skank Hunt212,351,500
10. Piluhunter88165,626,599
11. Mik3yp164,694,708
12. 10 Hpironman146,337,226
13. Hollowfied136,496,011
14. Tale Of Joah127,978,428
15. Sefo96,426,949
16. L0vs U90,693,465
17. Justice Im82,981,378
18. Majinn Buu79,151,021
19. Ranar 02078,495,759
20. Obor66,845,652
21. Nunanunanuna61,870,825
22. Tsubaki 98458,680,551
23. Highbornhero56,154,390
24. F0g Jr54,542,002
25. No Rezultz50,988,999
26. Breathenagur43,555,359
27. Log Burning43,408,809
28. Pure Kree42,072,449
29. 99 Hp Cape41,788,380
30. Magicks Solo39,865,883

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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