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Total XP on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. Ulahel239,988,545
2. Nc State222,825,873
3. Agility Hcim200,001,433
4. Mediocr189,799,904
5. Rhioness180,185,876
6. Agility Icon174,213,449
7. Lost4max168,968,289
8. Venus Vegas163,720,346
9. 90s Kelsey162,559,386
10. Spade Donor160,500,155
11. 69 Eskimojoe159,910,809
12. Duck Quiche158,144,164
13. Tequiero155,296,875
14. Saprophage151,152,901
15. Lemurcow145,558,268
16. Michio Ryuu144,077,415
17. Nether Rod142,849,820
18. Moon Light139,887,739
19. Micondrous135,942,474
20. Ryject131,518,847
21. Oi Oii131,237,842
22. Fheld131,144,042
23. Datthang130,475,973
24. Jippinslimmy130,299,137
25. M1keyavelli129,617,860
26. Masch129,327,844
27. Frickyricky129,222,724
28. Glumgolem120129,055,647
29. Ferr0uswheel128,538,477
30. Elias Iv126,520,623

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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