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Create competition from Insurgence
Current Top for Insurgence
Records for Insurgence

Group ID: 9930
Total names in group: 200
Total names in database: 119
Total datapoints: 54,463
Total efficient time played: 119,283 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 119
Average virtual total level: 2,065
Average virtual combat level: 124.42
Total XP: 35,354,456,857
Total XP gained today: 986,996
Total XP gained this week: 14,068,353
Total XP gained this month: 163,489,737

Average XP of each player:
292,185,593 xp
18,884,394 xp (lvl 102)
16,031,326 xp (lvl 101)
29,151,901 xp (lvl 107)
36,146,366 xp (lvl 109)
31,350,670 xp (lvl 107)
7,446,778 xp (lvl 93)
18,345,680 xp (lvl 102)
10,868,058 xp (lvl 97)
10,207,201 xp (lvl 96)
8,460,177 xp (lvl 94)
7,756,338 xp (lvl 93)
9,383,849 xp (lvl 95)
7,940,070 xp (lvl 93)
6,024,055 xp (lvl 91)
6,357,114 xp (lvl 91)
7,442,833 xp (lvl 93)
5,590,023 xp (lvl 90)
7,645,107 xp (lvl 93)
12,575,520 xp (lvl 98)
14,010,248 xp (lvl 99)
5,956,563 xp (lvl 91)
8,411,235 xp (lvl 94)
6,174,187 xp (lvl 91)

Players in group (200):
1. 4biddin3
2. A Noose
3. Aaria
4. Acidtape
5. Addy 486
6. Amanthfirst
7. Amazinwhip
8. Ante
9. Arcticchill
10. Ba Ch
11. Bentz
12. Biken13
13. Blakeyosrs
14. Blaze King
15. Born For Thc
16. Bryd
17. C7ip
18. Capey
19. Cerces
20. Cheddardave
21. Cheesesnake
22. Chudsey X
23. Cole Rymer
24. Cool1074
25. Daddy Tp
26. Dankapedia
27. Dark0ne
28. David Of 300
29. Deku Of Osrs
30. Dementor9
31. Dilly P
32. Dilly P Ii
33. Dllla
34. Dontbjeal0us
35. Dr Goeb
36. Dunkerton
37. Early Birdy
38. Exo Landon
39. F I Sh 3 R
40. F250
41. Faultygenome
42. Fiism
43. Flagcaptured
44. Forgetmenot
45. Friend
46. Gangstas
47. Giantmole
48. Gielinor Lad
49. Givenchyboy
50. Gnomes
51. Googled It
52. Guam Tar
53. H A K A I
54. Hailee S
55. High On Life
56. I Love Grass
57. Iamarcade
58. Iangd
59. Iceandele
60. Ike The Mage
61. Im So Fat
62. Im Ugly Af
63. Imahjarrat
64. Iron Shaannt
65. Its Seth
66. Kevlar Bird
67. Killingmac 3
68. King Of Nmz
69. King Tj
70. Kneel Dogs
71. Korranation
72. Kushtian
73. Lavaq
74. Le Conbon
75. Le W Is
76. Leechemy
77. Luminousnite
78. M K J
79. M48
80. Mandont
81. Mc Nugget
82. Mr Spock V
83. New Demons
84. Odysseus
85. Oo Ollly Oo
86. Phalanax
87. Poe Man
88. Pogo Bear
89. Pr3y
90. Programming
91. Pvm Simo
92. Pvmnightmare
93. Qt Girl
94. Rikkuabyss
95. Ritouschaos
96. Rkymtngal
97. Rocklore
98. Rova
99. S A L T
100. S197
101. Sad Swan
102. Sage Vegas
103. Schambe
104. Seaf
105. Sigurros
106. Slayer0936
107. Snow Rabbit
108. Soruh
109. Soundscape
110. Spedz
111. Star Walker
112. Subwoofers
113. Sulryn
114. Symmm
115. Takopa
116. The Gloom
117. The Shiznitz
118. Thepinkgoose
119. Thesuavelife
120. Trisjon
121. Turbskii
122. Tyler 07
123. Unzip
124. Uterine
125. Wakii
126. Wildfire Pvm
127. Wowwowwubbzy
128. Wtfisabook
129. Yeoj
130. Yourealltalk
131. Z Raw
132. Zonse
133. Zwef
134. Phloak
135. Warhammer 69
136. Venus Fly
137. Missedsplits
138. Dead Googs
139. Rag Lessons
140. Shane7
141. Lplayrstoned
142. Sammyger
143. Piggysfriend
144. Cave Rat
145. Ranging
146. Hi Im Fat
147. Dh Gp
148. Mayvex
149. Bombass Weed
150. Wild Hammer
151. Goodbyekhal
152. Or1ginv2
153. Alpacamybags
154. Tai Pan
155. Slayrotacos
156. Camba
157. Bloodworthy
158. Elyx
159. Floofywaffle
160. Neverluckyh
161. Vorki Please
162. Drunk G0d
163. King Gohan
164. Senpaighoul
165. Dyb
166. Complain
167. I Soloed God
168. Papa Kuda
169. Musial
170. Rhuh
171. Pvm Shen
172. Pkthing
173. Great Year
174. Wild Indica
175. Usa Usa Usa
176. Blurve
177. Endgame45def
178. Mines Purple
179. World 332
180. 1v1onlockou
181. Christ Alone
182. Bluelivesmtr
183. Mike Boy
184. Napoleon
185. Nithroel
186. Morganas
187. Brother Bai
188. Kj 1st
189. Dead Inside
190. Eggplanks
191. Shift Stain
192. Fosteeeezy
193. Tatrat
194. Himbo
195. Cocaine Main
196. Missbubbles
197. Air Fjordan
198. Prairi
199. Docgodx
200. 9b

Players in group not in database (6):
1. slayrotacos
2. elyx
3. rhuh
4. 1v1onlockou
5. christ_alone
6. brother_bai

Players in group not on hiscores (81):
1. 4biddin3
2. Addy 486
3. Air Fjordan
4. Alpacamybags
5. Amazinwhip
6. Blakeyosrs
7. Bloodworthy
8. Blurve
9. Bombass Weed
10. Bryd
11. Cerces
12. Cheddardave
13. Chudsey X
14. Cocaine Main
15. Cool1074
16. Daddy Tp
17. Dankapedia
18. David Of 300
19. Dead Googs
20. Dh Gp
21. Dllla
22. Docgodx
23. Dontbjeal0us
24. Drunk G0d
25. Eggplanks
26. Endgame45def
27. Flagcaptured
28. F I Sh 3 R
29. Gielinor Lad
30. Givenchyboy
31. Goodbyekhal
32. Googled It
33. Great Year
34. Hi Im Fat
35. Iamarcade
36. I Love Grass
37. I Soloed God
38. King Gohan
39. Kj 1st
40. Korranation
41. Kushtian
42. Leechemy
43. Mike Boy
44. Mines Purple
45. Missbubbles
46. Missedsplits
47. Morganas
48. Mr Spock V
49. Nithroel
50. Odysseus
51. Oo Ollly Oo
52. Programming
53. Pvm Shen
54. Rag Lessons
55. Ranging
56. Ritouschaos
57. Sad Swan
58. Schambe
59. Senpaighoul
60. Shane7
61. Shift Stain
62. Slayer0936
63. Soruh
64. Spedz
65. Sulryn
66. Takopa
67. Thesuavelife
68. Uterine
69. Wakii
70. Warhammer 69
71. Wild Indica
72. World 332
73. Wowwowwubbzy
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