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Records for AP OSRS Elite
Group ID: 9256
Total names in group: 2
Total names in database: 2
Total datapoints: 530
Total efficient time played: 802 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 2
Average virtual total level: 1,873
Average virtual combat level: 110.5
Total XP: 193,944,867
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:
96,972,433 xp
3,559,976 xp (lvl 85)
3,055,598 xp (lvl 84)
9,445,396 xp (lvl 95)
5,847,812 xp (lvl 90)
1,939,895 xp (lvl 79)
743,679 xp (lvl 70)
2,476,795 xp (lvl 82)
13,055,130 xp (lvl 99)
7,215,923 xp (lvl 93)
13,100,379 xp (lvl 99)
1,848,666 xp (lvl 79)
6,888,343 xp (lvl 92)
7,306,931 xp (lvl 93)
1,565,179 xp (lvl 77)
1,980,626 xp (lvl 79)
746,220 xp (lvl 70)
994,256 xp (lvl 73)
1,448,812 xp (lvl 76)
1,732,499 xp (lvl 78)
2,261,853 xp (lvl 81)
1,949,538 xp (lvl 79)
6,886,414 xp (lvl 92)
922,507 xp (lvl 72)
Players in group (2):
1. Ompsuli
2. F W F W
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (0):
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