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Records for 07 Helpers
Group ID: 8679
Total names in group: 24
Total names in database: 14
Total datapoints: 11,746
Total efficient time played: 18,041 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 14
Average virtual total level: 2,138
Average virtual combat level: 127.64
Total XP: 5,435,267,289
Total XP gained today: 61,605
Total XP gained this week: 195,558
Total XP gained this month: 1,864,568
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (24):
1. Celydian
2. Freekarl
3. Smilemorebro
4. Mcyrus
5. Bongathon
6. Afkmachine
7. Dilophosauru
8. Rakkir
9. Wwtakun
10. X Pip X
11. Anttimage4
12. Valuh
13. Don Serrano
14. Doctors
15. 99 Shredded
16. In Doubt
17. Short Monkey
18. Dixnotsmall
19. 73katoen73
20. Slein
21. Joke Inc
22. Machtigeman
23. Shintomicho
24. Semper Lunar
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (10):
1. 73katoen73
2. 99 Shredded
3. Bongathon
4. Dilophosauru
5. Dixnotsmall
6. Shintomicho
7. Short Monkey
8. Slein
9. Smilemorebro
10. Valuh
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