Create competition from Free to Play ccCurrent Top for Free to Play cc
Records for Free to Play cc
Group ID: 8572
Total names in group: 60
Total names in database: 53
Total datapoints: 296,796
Total efficient time played: 55,645 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 53
Average virtual total level: 1,313
Average virtual combat level: 105.45
Total XP: 21,881,686,037
Total XP gained today: 2,474,304
Total XP gained this week: 26,071,123
Total XP gained this month: 153,271,449
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (60):

2. Eirerie
3. Ironman260
4. Kakarot Owns
5. Terrathrone
6. Tame My Wild
7. Janne Ahonen
8. Brah Im Hard
9. Magnus F2p
10. Southpark013
11. F2p Lukie
12. F2p Seafood
13. Orbrun Iv
14. Freckled Kid
15. Powzor
16. Parity32
17. 7time
18. Vascilos
19. Say F2p Ult
20. Ironwind397
21. Derecor
22. Uncle Chimp

24. Netbook Pro
25. No Comfort
26. Anne Shirley
27. Asura Zoma
28. Faij
29. Part

31. Uncletomas
32. Yrak
33. Detective Li
34. K Doz
35. Leftoverover
36. Metaalmeneer
37. Thincrepes
38. Wide Abdomen
39. Based Chew
40. Dagah
41. Freelancer
42. Obor
43. 2seebees
44. Dubnosrac
45. Fe F2p
46. Frankthetank
47. Fudge Knight

49. Odon
50. Firebolt8xp
51. Lamb X
52. Spaldaddy
53. Tohno1612

55. Danspotatoe
56. Lxch
57. Iwriozn
58. F2p Ello
59. Snooz Button
60. Desperrr
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (7):
1. Desperrr
2. Freckled Kid
3. Leftoverover
4. Odon
5. Southpark013
6. Vascilos
7. Wide Abdomen
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