Create competition from Riot lobbyCurrent Top for Riot lobby
Records for Riot lobby
Group ID: 8344
Total names in group: 74
Total names in database: 33
Total datapoints: 17,447
Total efficient time played: 32,738 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 33
Average virtual total level: 2,003
Average virtual combat level: 122.3
Total XP: 9,285,184,355
Total XP gained today: 609,758
Total XP gained this week: 7,925,737
Total XP gained this month: 60,648,666
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (74):
1. I Am Zodiac
2. Rothschilds
3. Dextor
4. Skoo
5. Isoulreap
6. Nanoh
7. Chaotic Veng
8. Tam Pon Tea
9. Rekn
10. Ssssniped Ya
11. Twisted Bro
12. Riot Saitama
13. Snoop Wolf
14. Im Zac
15. Jemun
16. Pararescue
17. Dhalsim
18. Lifeform
19. Wjl
20. Deletemymeme
21. Mykool
22. Exo Smok1nj
23. Wolnir
24. Sir Albion
25. Futes
26. 52 Exp
27. Termnalcpl
28. Lakeshore
29. Rga
30. Manakin
31. Stylish X
32. Lord Miller
33. Shreffy Ev
34. M Y Respect
35. Jdawg Mck
36. Zillis
37. Limpling
38. D0nt Pan1c
39. Mrburnsss
40. Lectrix
41. R0scoe
42. Kalle Moraeu
43. Xnv
44. B Az
45. Chaukletz
46. Pax Labs
47. Yellowducky3
48. Noco
49. Arrowjoe
50. Caskuvira42
51. Facedwnassup
52. Filthy Chair
53. Gam3 0v3r
54. Lgacy
55. Fours Up
56. Superiorfaux
57. Vexed Up
58. Zeno Senju
59. Boz Beast
60. Arogers
61. Oyo Granoso
62. Zeldext
63. Ty Jerry
64. Vt Destroyer
65. Exo Snow
66. Belu Falcon
67. Avoidbslayn
68. Keannard
69. Kokailni
70. Otter On Rs
71. Wtfmywaffles
72. Inf Park
73. Pb And Slay
74. Mie Scatter
Players in group not in database (2):
1. kalle_moraeu
2. pax_labs
Players in group not on hiscores (41):
1. 52 Exp
2. Avoidbslayn
3. Belu Falcon
4. Boz Beast
5. Chaotic Veng
6. Deletemymeme
7. Exo Smok1nj
8. Exo Snow
9. Facedwnassup
10. Filthy Chair
11. Fours Up
12. Gam3 0v3r
13. Jdawg Mck
14. Jemun
15. Keannard
16. Kokailni
17. Lakeshore
18. Lgacy
19. Limpling
20. Lord Miller
21. Manakin
22. Mie Scatter
23. Mrburnsss
24. Mykool
25. M Y Respect
26. Otter On Rs
27. Oyo Granoso
28. Pararescue
29. Riot Saitama
30. Shreffy Ev
31. Ssssniped Ya
32. Stylish X
33. Ty Jerry
34. Vexed Up
35. Vt Destroyer
36. Wolnir
37. Wtfmywaffles
38. Zeldext
39. Zeno Senju
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