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Records for Freeknights V2
Group ID: 8335
Total names in group: 40
Total names in database: 23
Total datapoints: 17,768
Total efficient time played: 25,544 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 23
Average virtual total level: 2,005
Average virtual combat level: 121.39
Total XP: 7,700,417,811
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 6,077,904
Total XP gained this month: 23,580,087
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (40):
1. Ace Torag
2. Astrobiology
3. Berem
4. Chevyownz
5. Fight Or Flo
6. Goldftw
7. I Oh Dino
8. Lilpixelgasm
9. Loudpack V2
10. Ranzy
11. Rowanpvm
12. Wassermolch
13. Lumina Morte
14. Supershen
15. Maimon
16. Themetisman1
17. Zain The One
18. Romen Noodle
19. Mikefsuup
20. Exalted One
21. Futureliving
22. Beuhr
23. Life Of Fe
24. Ragnarloth93
25. Ariyah
26. Gamer
27. Inuyou
28. Komatose
29. Shamash
30. Skillhunting
31. Bikura
32. Alex Os
33. Siris Red
34. Plebro
35. Fruittsnack
36. Serpyderpy
37. Juicy Fruity
38. A Frie Nd
39. Nemba
40. Echo Justice
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (17):
1. Alex Os
2. A Frie Nd
3. Fight Or Flo
4. Fruittsnack
5. Futureliving
6. Juicy Fruity
7. Life Of Fe
8. Lilpixelgasm
9. Loudpack V2
10. Maimon
11. Mikefsuup
12. Ranzy
13. Romen Noodle
14. Rowanpvm
15. Serpyderpy
16. Themetisman1
17. Zain The One
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