Create competition from Team ParadoxCurrent Top for Team Paradox
Records for Team Paradox
Group ID: 8125
Total names in group: 310
Total names in database: 163
Total datapoints: 109,189
Total efficient time played: 170,683 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 163
Average virtual total level: 2,022
Average virtual combat level: 124.13
Total XP: 50,822,508,132
Total XP gained today: 1,123,361
Total XP gained this week: 18,918,941
Total XP gained this month: 122,005,074
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (310):
1. Wesaku
2. Nathann
3. Beest
4. Ddsfornubs
5. Adorned
6. Onus
7. Queen Lk
8. Hexos
9. Hi Im Savuh
10. Rulesy
11. I Luv Mies
12. Lovev
13. Waughly
14. North Uist
15. Imdabawz
16. Badxbrett
17. Imortal07
18. Killab0rtion
19. Skermy
20. Sleighbor
21. I77l7l7l7l77
22. Poke Me Plz
23. R0sendahl
24. Krakensport
25. Wijnker
26. Bamnlynx
27. Trantrung
28. T Dogg
29. Henfami
30. Atlantic
31. Yorick
32. Likmijnraid
33. She Only 17
34. Kerzara
35. D A Nn
36. Dont We Fail
37. Odoudog
38. Saiyan Dani
39. Runitedabber
40. Sykes33
41. Tpx Matthew
42. Gabber Patje
43. Thats 2007 I
44. Grab My Hat
45. Sneakkii
46. Irun416
47. Sean Connery
48. Eedik
49. Sneertje
50. Yelp
51. Cimmic
52. Evilmini
53. Hudsonn
54. Thylegend
55. Soska
56. Xlabyriinth
57. Fok U Caked
58. Viewfromthi6
59. I Beast I
60. Oosik
61. Vibe
62. D0wnz
63. Wise Old Pan
64. Jep001
65. I Forb I
66. Bowin
67. Pufflope
68. Ultra Slay3r
69. Jewlzventura
70. Dorohedoro
71. Trampier
72. Ghost Cx
73. Dutch Robert
74. Dead Keidal
75. Extrim
76. Matjacko
77. Vuur Is Warm
78. Gr4tivy Bong
79. Mr Nz
80. Crewdoe
81. Brooklyn Ny
82. X Kurtz
83. Laundrybag K
84. Tpx Hulk
85. Hi Im Smiley
86. Russkei
87. Tpx Boydo
88. Bluntsurgeon
89. Sillu
90. Sir Kingston
91. Asap Drewbie
92. Dirty Steve
93. B U N Dy
94. Cyden
95. The Replay
96. Tus The Grim
97. Brimhilde
98. Whipnation
99. Rawrsome
100. Vegassamurai
101. Benadryl
102. Unit
103. Pl Endriu
104. Almoe
105. Genetiics
106. Taintedbeing
107. Sour Spoon
108. Jacto
109. Vycke
110. Bigborncrazy
111. Zerkerino
112. Squirkly95
113. Vituneekerit
114. Trer
115. G Dot C
116. Reggin Cx
117. Casualty
118. Samo
119. D Mack
120. The Fatchild
121. Get Luckyy
122. Vipul
123. Fsk Kieren
124. Os Kidsranqe
125. Ztf Beast
126. Ki
127. Dispatch
128. Clss
129. Indrek
130. A2inchsofty
131. Looted
132. Flarion
133. Sortof
134. Sinasappel
135. Helplost
136. Lev K
137. Legit Trash
138. Mo The Tank
139. Navilly
140. Ay Im Sleazy
141. Trapanomics
142. Momia
143. Nh Camel
144. T4nk3d Aegis
145. Ill Be Black
146. Haydengaming
147. Barrows Prod
148. Reap Z
149. Artimeus
150. Akel
151. Pi Ql Et
152. Aussie Goku
153. Vikesnguyen
154. Iharderstyle
155. Therealnick
156. Gnome Sayln
157. Hookah Bowl
158. Warpedfloors
159. Pb Zeppelin
160. Imaft
161. Big P4pa
162. Suchownez
163. Avataras
164. Heretoslay
165. Hooking
166. Tpx Zaes
167. Dough Boys
168. Shawnisftw
169. Seamenless
170. White W
171. Daftmaul
172. Brian Is Rad
173. Jet Lifee
174. Happybird
175. Chinm3
176. Asmallmain
177. Potlidz
178. Pray For Gp
179. Ifadded
180. Mr Bing
181. Rickeh 1
182. Notsod
183. Definiteluck
184. Praise
185. Zalithys
186. I Makabro I
187. Artefacto
188. Hilis
189. Tanga Jr
190. Tompiece
191. Chizkin
192. Evilempire13
193. Sin Of Smoak
194. Tross
195. Mullet Mafia
196. Dairychuk
197. Lunatic Ape
198. Caillou Hobo
199. Xeva
200. T33
201. Diesel Welds
202. Azzr
203. Statyk
204. Toobusy
205. Prisoner Kay
206. Cookie10
207. I Like Clues
208. Yungdloud
209. R 3 L 0 A D
210. Tpx American
211. Aboss
212. Evil Druid
213. Grandpa Goku
214. Fatal Cdc
215. Stabtheair
216. Run Its Sv
217. Rum Diary
218. Norm Kelly
219. Stakingbad
220. Zer0ddd
221. Pvm Jinx
222. Mr Richie B
223. Holdthedor
224. Klootzak
225. Juss94
226. Bbd
227. Znz
228. Hcim Dead X
229. Pvp Jordan
230. Matt Is Epic
231. The Rs Jd
232. Conchatumare
233. Dumledoor
234. Jad Is Mydad
235. Any Biff
236. Viselly Done
237. Hottygirl
238. A Weeman
239. Booty Man
240. Duvel
241. Eazy
242. Hid
243. Staked Jan
244. Humansoul
245. Its Mr Ko
246. Will Man
247. Just Me
248. Lliiliilil
249. Ej Dirst
250. Trivium
251. Issa M8
252. Bruv
253. Beelzebubba
254. Tpx Tank
255. Gladiator666
256. Bot Matt
257. Tct
258. Tump
259. Clark Kentt
260. Divineshine
261. Ct8249526373
262. Norageneeded
263. Legalizer
264. Lonely Rev
265. Shikl
266. Baked
267. Skagzilla
268. No Racks
269. Tpx Faketank
270. Lancereeee
271. Hi Its Glow
272. Fer Gy
273. Swamp Ase86
274. D I X O
275. Old Haven
276. Oxcy
277. Wechat
278. Rot Goy
279. Son Goku
280. M0on Crlcket
281. James029
282. Ryw
283. Luna Lovee
284. Ainvas Toes
285. Raider 118
286. Ansont
287. Crunck
288. Bengalfox
289. Yeezyseason
290. Wanni
291. Lamthus
292. Ldanik

294. Vcw
295. Sith L0rd
296. Intu Is Cool
297. Notpape
298. Blessinrains
299. Loca N
300. Berkven
301. Runitebeard
302. Jr05e
303. Ftw Baby
304. Topolaki
305. Psycho Toxic
306. Karaoke King
307. 50 Bags
308. Thanks
309. Maitoz
310. 04h20
Players in group not in database (49):
1. krakensport
2. thats_2007_i
3. fok_u_caked
4. i_forb_i
5. ultra_slay3r
6. dead_keidal
7. gr4tivy_bong
8. laundrybag_k
9. tpx_boydo
10. dirty_steve_
11. whipnation
12. pl_endriu
13. zerkerino
14. vituneekerit
15. the_fatchild
16. fsk_kieren
17. a2inchsofty
18. legit_trash
19. momia
20. reap_z
21. artimeus
22. pi_ql_et
23. vikesnguyen
24. imaft
25. big_p4pa
26. suchownez
27. seamenless
28. white_w
29. daftmaul
30. brian_is_rad
31. happybird
32. potlidz
33. ifadded
34. i_makabro_i
35. hilis
36. tanga_jr
37. prisoner_kay
38. cookie10
39. yungdloud
40. r_3_l_0_a_d
41. run_its_sv
42. zer0ddd
43. holdthedor
44. klootzak
45. juss94
46. hcim_dead_x
47. pvp_jordan
48. matt_is_epic
49. conchatumare
Players in group not on hiscores (147):
1. 04h20
2. Ansont
3. Asap Drewbie
4. Aussie Goku
5. Avataras
6. Ay Im Sleazy
7. Bbd
8. Blessinrains
9. B U N Dy
10. Chizkin
11. Cimmic

13. Ct8249526373
14. Cyden
15. D0wnz
16. Dairychuk
17. Definiteluck
18. Dispatch
19. D A Nn
20. D Mack
21. Ej Dirst
22. Fatal Cdc
23. Genetiics
24. Ghost Cx
25. Gladiator666
26. Gnome Sayln
27. Grab My Hat
28. Hi Im Smiley
29. Hi Its Glow
30. Hookah Bowl
31. Hooking
32. I77l7l7l7l77
33. Iharderstyle
34. Imortal07
35. Intu Is Cool
36. Issa M8
37. James029
38. Jr05e
39. Karaoke King
40. Lancereeee
41. Ldanik
42. Legalizer
43. Lev K
44. Lliiliilil
45. Loca N
46. Lonely Rev
47. Looted
48. Lunatic Ape
49. Luna Lovee
50. M0on Crlcket
51. Maitoz
52. Mo The Tank
53. Mr Richie B
54. Nathann
55. Navilly
56. Norageneeded
57. Norm Kelly
58. North Uist
59. Notpape
60. No Racks
61. Os Kidsranqe
62. Pvm Jinx
63. Raider 118
64. Rot Goy
65. Runitebeard
66. Saiyan Dani
67. Shawnisftw
68. She Only 17
69. Shikl
70. Sir Kingston
71. Skagzilla
72. Sneakkii
73. Sneertje
74. Soska
75. Stabtheair
76. Staked Jan
77. Swamp Ase86
78. Tct
79. Toobusy
80. Tpx American
81. Tpx Faketank
82. Tpx Hulk
83. Tpx Matthew
84. Tpx Zaes
85. Trapanomics
86. Trer
87. Unit
88. Vegassamurai
89. Viselly Done
90. Vycke
91. Wanni
92. Warpedfloors
93. Xeva
94. Xlabyriinth
95. X Kurtz
96. Yelp
97. Ztf Beast
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