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Records for 99ppssuu
Group ID: 8117
Total names in group: 29
Total names in database: 15
Total datapoints: 16,949
Total efficient time played: 24,506 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 15
Average virtual total level: 2,092
Average virtual combat level: 121.4
Total XP: 8,581,099,213
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 3,401,976
Total XP gained this month: 32,479,166
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (29):
1. Wiki James
2. Bigx
3. Boxxy
4. Slay Fordays
5. Lsend
6. Artilaryshel
7. E T H I C
8. Lettulainen
9. Mad Caleb
10. Jaffar
11. Mratraties
12. Rachh
13. Klycko Ltu
14. Cheomeister
15. Freitas
16. Du Esterni
17. Quatro
18. I Lost 500m
19. Bmoes 10
20. Dsquared
21. Dr Pfaff
22. Ninjashizzz
23. Dc Panda
24. Qpr Fc
25. Babygr00t
26. Skolvikings7
27. Not Sulbel
28. 75 7 75 5 77
29. Snoopdogg
Players in group not in database (2):
1. lsend
2. i_lost_500m
Players in group not on hiscores (14):
1. 75 7 75 5 77
2. Babygr00t
3. Boxxy
4. Dc Panda
5. Dsquared
6. Du Esterni
7. Freitas
8. Klycko Ltu
9. Ninjashizzz
10. Not Sulbel
11. Rachh
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