Create competition from Infinity OSRSCurrent Top for Infinity OSRS
Records for Infinity OSRS
Group ID: 7995
Total names in group: 283
Total names in database: 130
Total datapoints: 48,533
Total efficient time played: 95,805 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 130
Average virtual total level: 1,838
Average virtual combat level: 115.18
Total XP: 27,412,370,667
Total XP gained today: 1,351,624
Total XP gained this week: 24,000,679
Total XP gained this month: 151,185,391
Average XP of each player:
206,108,050 xp
14,505,154 xp (lvl 100)
11,768,826 xp (lvl 97)
18,683,106 xp (lvl 102)
24,906,974 xp (lvl 105)
20,539,394 xp (lvl 103)
5,437,930 xp (lvl 90)
13,095,282 xp (lvl 99)
11,257,725 xp (lvl 97)
6,596,638 xp (lvl 92)
6,903,777 xp (lvl 92)
5,767,075 xp (lvl 90)
6,318,398 xp (lvl 91)
5,727,927 xp (lvl 90)
4,079,368 xp (lvl 87)
5,399,097 xp (lvl 90)
5,075,017 xp (lvl 89)
3,944,384 xp (lvl 86)
4,782,419 xp (lvl 88)
9,612,152 xp (lvl 95)
9,155,994 xp (lvl 95)
3,666,818 xp (lvl 86)
4,642,774 xp (lvl 88)
4,195,315 xp (lvl 87)
Players in group (283):
1. Keetz47
2. Cte Osrs
3. Fricky
4. Waxxy
5. Bad Old Kid
6. Protect H20
7. El Brian
8. Dqm
9. Mrmrs Deeb
10. Weezer676
11. Imrsolodolo
12. Miss Jane
13. Galbeano
14. Inf Roast
15. Lordbeerus33
16. Loveliquor
17. Faux Fur
18. Chopperx2
19. Robjon7
20. Sayler08
21. Inf Light
22. 99 Skillz
23. Inf Hat
24. Acid Fingers
25. Queen Jane
26. Arkansaswhip
27. Mossiv
28. Soonifer
29. Xmistikx
30. Burdoc
31. Mrcraftypnts
32. Ice The Bong
33. R1chmond
34. Knightmare48
35. Thawed
36. Welin Jelin
37. Espanola
38. Cimpanzie
39. Drunkstoner
40. Rollinbips
41. Yabba Daba
42. Jan The Man
43. Epiccripple
44. Closed
45. Time2stake
46. Longdong2121
47. Theukrainguy
48. Teh Lag Noob
49. Agent Cage
50. Inf Drunken
51. Arsi
52. Friezer
53. Lifeseber
54. Spartan 043
55. Waves Crash
56. Killbot63
57. Df Histruely
58. Torments
59. Mojojojo72
60. C8nt K1ll M3
61. Ring Catcher
62. Jkvince
63. Perkinatored
64. Boracho2
65. Gods Know Me
66. Inf Methodz
67. Inf Mike
68. Inf Dabs
69. Im Plastered
70. Riptlde
71. M Czz
72. Iron 1911
73. Kush4every1
74. Kuu0
75. Inf Tokes
76. Imajination
77. Zyntrix
78. Ecu Piratez
79. Muzz Tyme
80. Inf Jumal
81. I Amplify I
82. Budrboyy801
83. Peter97
84. God Ash Bro
85. 420 Daddy
86. Ancientss
87. Pugscerbpet
88. Batty47
89. Im2much4y0u
90. Og Matches
91. Waterybank
92. Bluetreak
93. Kraunik
94. Specc Em Out
95. L Brayden L
96. Knucks
97. Smai
98. Dreadnaught
99. Ryauu
100. Inf Muffin
101. Shellcase
102. Dre Pot
103. Yochillfam1
104. Prime Diesel
105. Shortstop
106. Yelruh
107. Dab The Oil
108. Iron Capeta
109. Algebra
110. Inf Seba
111. Yo Soy Dios
112. Likes Cheese
113. Falldyl
114. Ripie
115. Tornlegacy
116. Zjawz
117. Fitzright
118. Noxpwaster
119. Jesushatezks
120. Kandinsky
121. Garbar6
122. Finalfantasy
123. Bowengilbert
124. Inf Thanatos
125. Otherwise
126. Serbitar
127. Ffsimafk
128. Inf Resist
129. Klanix
130. Inf Rs
131. Its Libo
132. Inf Sway
133. Pricos
134. Dryrattell
135. Adrenz
136. Inf Keef
137. Ecu Pirates
138. Snekysnek
139. 5 Ht1a
140. Oxy Clean
141. Blanksp Ce
142. Lumpywater
143. Nz Boy 96
144. Ibudweiser
145. Doggonator
146. Stinkmonky
147. Inf Poke
148. Str Poxy
149. Pr Es
150. Menthol 100s
151. Bakedxtoast9
152. Elysiaaan
153. Lsdiamonds
154. Inf Cody
155. Inf N Beyond
156. Duhcoatah
157. Slayer Monk
158. The Heavyone
159. Im Tom B
160. Inf Inatree
161. Jimlayhey
162. Inf Gloves
163. Nates
164. Inf Kruxii
165. Tearanewone
166. Lord Apex
167. Go Forth
168. Purple Fanta
169. Veste
170. Xtazy
171. Fe Floof
172. Skullfkdnex
173. Pvm Roasted
174. Dupz
175. Sqoon
176. Inf C4
177. Inf Bunz
178. Weed Rx
179. Dead C A T
180. Purplestain
181. Yu 32
182. Poofiepanda
183. No Rugrats
184. Calmnlifted
185. Taco Soup
186. Inf Hydrus
187. Inf Jagged
188. Leinenkugel
189. Spector52
190. Pvm Imp
191. Inf Ar15
192. Jedi Hybrid
193. I Need It
194. Krwl
195. Noicee Garry
196. Daddy Danger
197. Blakeypoo
198. Inf M16
199. Inf Ant
200. Babak
201. Old Atlas
202. C0caine
203. Drizzling
204. Conraw
205. Allied
206. Young Thug I
207. Mcpancake
208. Inf Fate
209. Brbmelbourne
210. Slander
211. Noobediot
212. Fk Ur Skill
213. Inf Alice
214. Agonistic
215. J Ee P
216. N O R D O R
217. Dlt
218. Skilliosls
219. Ezpz Connor
220. Inf York
221. Afk Lyfe
222. Inf Fakenews
223. Spacing Outt
224. Slammed Gang
225. Luciela
226. T1mbow
227. J Wax
228. Binf
229. Iliketodrink
230. Lil Ak
231. Jaychapo
232. Metz1
233. Anb Lykos
234. Dyar
235. Cool A
236. Brb Drugs
237. Inf Klorrax
238. Robut
239. Norix
240. Datlouie
241. Schmorky
242. Big Panky
243. Skywilburn
244. A8l
245. Japoolie
246. Soulessradio
247. Xsagearts
248. Sretgret
249. Os Zacc
250. Fkinrightbud
251. Discovery
252. Login Lagout
253. Toast Pants
254. Inf Revize
255. Negith
256. Monkeydcoty
257. Thc 4 Desi
258. Its Nievey
259. Also Wtj
260. Kahuna Kyle
261. Saraie
262. Tiva
263. Honest Ted
264. Tantoon
265. Sqoonk
266. Dy3hard
267. Iberserk
268. Cloud Scapes
269. Zonderwijk
270. Twinturbov6
271. Kiowa
272. Ferrovitalia
273. Lnlm
274. Bakkor909034
275. Maverick6
276. Inf Skater
277. Hipplenair
278. Hl Lm Satan
279. Thee Inf Rok
280. Icyene Hero
281. Supa Foo
282. Inf Claire
283. Normie Aris
Players in group not in database (44):
1. protect_h20
2. el_brian
3. inf_roast
4. lordbeerus33
5. faux_fur
6. welin_jelin
7. cimpanzie
8. yabba_daba
9. time2stake
10. friezer
11. spartan_043
12. killbot63
13. mojojojo72
14. kuu0
15. budrboyy801
16. ancientss
17. waterybank
18. bluetreak
19. specc_em_out
20. l_brayden_l
21. knucks
22. ryauu
23. shellcase
24. prime_diesel
25. dab_the_oil
26. iron_capeta
27. likes_cheese
28. zjawz
29. noxpwaster
30. jesushatezks
31. inf_thanatos
32. otherwise
33. inf_resist
34. inf_rs
35. inf_sway
36. dryrattell
37. ecu_pirates
38. 5_ht1a
39. doggonator
40. inf_poke
41. elysiaaan
42. duhcoatah
43. lord_apex
44. jedi_hybrid
Players in group not on hiscores (153):
1. Afk Lyfe
2. Also Wtj
3. Babak
4. Bakkor909034
5. Big Panky
6. Binf
7. Brbmelbourne
8. Burdoc
9. C0caine
10. Calmnlifted
11. Closed
12. Cte Osrs
13. Dead C A T
14. Discovery
15. Dlt
16. Dreadnaught
17. Drizzling
18. Ecu Piratez
19. Epiccripple
20. Ferrovitalia
21. Fk Ur Skill
22. Galbeano
23. God Ash Bro
24. Hl Lm Satan
25. Honest Ted
26. Iberserk
27. Ibudweiser
28. Iliketodrink
29. Im2much4y0u
30. Imajination
31. Inf Alice
32. Inf Ant
33. Inf Ar15
34. Inf Claire
35. Inf Cody
36. Inf Dabs
37. Inf Drunken
38. Inf Fakenews
39. Inf Fate
40. Inf Gloves
41. Inf Hat
42. Inf Hydrus
43. Inf Inatree
44. Inf Jagged
45. Inf Keef
46. Inf Klorrax
47. Inf Light
48. Inf M16
49. Inf Methodz
50. Inf Muffin
51. Inf N Beyond
52. Inf Seba
53. Inf Tokes
54. Inf York
55. Its Nievey
56. I Need It
57. J Ee P
58. Klanix
59. Krwl
60. Kush4every1
61. Lil Ak
62. Lnlm
63. Login Lagout
64. Loveliquor
65. Luciela
66. Lumpywater
67. Maverick6
68. Mrcraftypnts
69. Negith
70. Noicee Garry
71. Noobediot
72. Norix
73. Normie Aris
74. N O R D O R
75. Og Matches
76. Old Atlas
77. Os Zacc
78. Oxy Clean
79. Pugscerbpet
80. Pvm Imp
81. Pvm Roasted
82. Queen Jane
83. Ring Catcher
84. Riptlde
85. Sayler08
86. Shortstop
87. Skilliosls
88. Skywilburn
89. Slayer Monk
90. Snekysnek
91. Soulessradio
92. Sqoonk
93. Stinkmonky
94. Supa Foo
95. Tantoon
96. Teh Lag Noob
97. Thc 4 Desi
98. Thee Inf Rok
99. Tornlegacy
100. Twinturbov6
101. Weed Rx
102. Xsagearts
103. Yochillfam1
104. Young Thug I
105. Yu 32
106. Zonderwijk
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