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Records for OS Family
Group ID: 7919
Total names in group: 89
Total names in database: 52
Total datapoints: 17,943
Total efficient time played: 32,187 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 52
Average virtual total level: 1,711
Average virtual combat level: 105.92
Total XP: 9,511,651,499
Total XP gained today: 325,859
Total XP gained this week: 14,426,935
Total XP gained this month: 74,203,253
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (89):
1. Demonic Rich
2. X C O D Z
3. Marcom94
4. Azazeel2
5. Op1
6. Twins
7. Narcolepsie
8. Moncat
9. Osf Vegeta
10. Papa Swish
11. Its Cyne
12. Wufflz
13. Cpt Sparkles
14. Sammil
15. P U L S E D
16. Kadircanct
17. Holymade
18. Do 1
19. Lucksquirrel
20. Groomy
21. Boi Cott
22. Cartmen948
23. Conflict24
24. Dr Clarity
25. Duckfaceee
26. Lolkid58
27. Rohaan
28. Rune Pick
29. Arcade Fox
30. G1ebe
31. Ginandtonic
32. Gorhamstgoon
33. Humongouz
34. Knuxez
35. Osf Poetroe
36. Totalbas72
37. Ublawful
38. Zhenming
39. Cripdepressn
40. Nottz Master
41. A D M 4 N
42. 99hp To Zero
43. Nyquist
44. M1t
45. Os Rs Brad
46. Bidensity
47. Triple Foul
48. I Am Hunter
49. Im Ugly Af
50. Rock Star
51. Iron Sam
52. Updates
53. Ag10
54. Owenwestt
55. Keeta
56. Ibuckeye
57. Mvp Acillion
58. Papa Arrzy
59. Amasian
60. Grima
61. Wilko63
62. Adamd011
63. 3gunnation
64. Sniffa
65. Maskon
66. Bscgeography
67. Xxkillerxx
68. Jessica2608
69. Lalaleanbois
70. Savvydan
71. Mr Minty
72. Cwot
73. Serine
74. Master Gav
75. Mana World
76. J A M I E
77. Stuckinabox
78. Mini Guinea
79. Doksmok
80. Eatbrain
81. Lil Bickle
82. Devizes
83. Shizlo Btw
84. Osf Uk
85. 69 Sxy Time
86. Osf Ragnar
87. Holsey3126
88. Osf Helsinki
89. Ad4
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (37):
1. 69 Sxy Time
2. Ad4
3. Adamd011
4. Ag10
5. Amasian
6. A D M 4 N
7. Bscgeography
8. Cartmen948
9. Conflict24
10. Cwot
11. Doksmok
12. G1ebe
13. Ibuckeye
14. Lil Bickle
15. Lolkid58
16. Maskon
17. Master Gav
18. Mini Guinea
19. Mvp Acillion
20. Osf Helsinki
21. Osf Poetroe
22. Osf Ragnar
23. Osf Uk
24. Os Rs Brad
25. Owenwestt
26. Papa Arrzy
27. Papa Swish
28. P U L S E D
29. Rohaan
30. Sammil
31. Triple Foul
32. Updates
33. Xxkillerxx
34. X C O D Z
35. Zhenming
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