Create competition from Resurrection CCCurrent Top for Resurrection CC
Records for Resurrection CC
Group ID: 7739
Total names in group: 16
Total names in database: 10
Total datapoints: 4,482
Total efficient time played: 6,723 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 10
Average virtual total level: 1,683
Average virtual combat level: 110.5
Total XP: 2,012,147,861
Total XP gained today: 852,102
Total XP gained this week: 4,592,618
Total XP gained this month: 12,083,287
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (16):
1. Cy Co
2. Experiance
3. Thea Trick
4. Gsg Alpha
5. Iron Skitz0
6. Littletimmy
7. Paus3d
8. Tmnt Tmnt6
9. Z Ence
10. Fe Scimmy
11. Brwnbuddha
12. Freaks
13. Geia
14. Establish
15. Link10
16. Plantdad
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (6):
1. Brwnbuddha
2. Experiance
3. Gsg Alpha
4. Littletimmy
5. Paus3d
6. Z Ence
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