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Records for Infinity Test
Group ID: 7686
Total names in group: 138
Total names in database: 49
Total datapoints: 24,637
Total efficient time played: 36,171 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 49
Average virtual total level: 1,852
Average virtual combat level: 113.88
Total XP: 10,272,997,577
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 4,229,663
Total XP gained this month: 65,453,521
Average XP of each player:
205,459,951 xp
13,436,888 xp (lvl 99)
10,900,912 xp (lvl 97)
16,811,757 xp (lvl 101)
23,197,186 xp (lvl 104)
19,868,341 xp (lvl 103)
6,080,211 xp (lvl 91)
13,451,208 xp (lvl 99)
13,405,903 xp (lvl 99)
6,839,253 xp (lvl 92)
6,146,208 xp (lvl 91)
6,480,554 xp (lvl 91)
6,777,045 xp (lvl 92)
5,995,064 xp (lvl 91)
4,537,473 xp (lvl 88)
5,126,847 xp (lvl 89)
5,316,022 xp (lvl 89)
4,380,133 xp (lvl 87)
5,619,308 xp (lvl 90)
9,321,199 xp (lvl 95)
8,543,815 xp (lvl 94)
3,936,713 xp (lvl 86)
4,680,685 xp (lvl 88)
4,510,701 xp (lvl 88)
Players in group (138):
1. Waves Crash
2. Taco Soup
3. Parker Nev
4. 420osrs
5. Inf Gloves
6. Inf Jagged
7. Pokethebear
8. Inf Norml
9. Inf Justin F
10. C8nt K1ll M3
11. I Amplify I
12. Purplestain
13. Purple Fanta
14. Tearanewone
15. Yu 32
16. Inf Jordan I
17. Sirbegalot
18. Sir Diesel
19. Calmnlifted
20. Nates
21. Skullfkdnex
22. El Brian
23. Cte Osrs
24. A Sith Lord
25. Leinenkugel
26. Clawy
27. Menthol 100s
28. Spector52
29. Jimlahey
30. Party Blunt
31. Glowman19
32. Robjon7
33. Str Poxy
34. Iluvbunz
35. Inf C4 C4h
36. Roastmastr
37. Blanksp Ce
38. The Heavyone
39. Maplondon
40. Serbitar
41. Marshy
42. Biziamo
43. Pvm Roasted
44. Stinkmonky
45. Lx Light Xl
46. Inf Keef
47. Ffsimafk
48. Inf Froob Ca
49. Inf Haven
50. Xmistikx
51. Inf Anthony
52. Thawed
53. Closed
54. Inf Sqoon
55. Its Randy
56. Live2pk
57. Knightmare48
58. Babykraken
59. Gabulhas
60. Bugzie
61. Chantzzzzzzz
62. Epiccripple
63. Di Methyl T
64. Doggonator
65. Bowengilbert
66. Lumpywater
67. Dryrattell
68. Camp Bell
69. Inf Drunken
70. Riptlde
71. Metsulfuron
72. Rakuda
73. Infinite Swa
74. Sven
75. Inf Hannibal
76. Snekysnek
77. Inf Rs
78. Tickers
79. Off My Tree
80. Swapdagp
81. 0 Ki Ri To 0
82. Lifeseber
83. Paper Frank
84. M Czz
85. Oh Geez
86. Og Matches
87. Ecu Pirates
88. Ecu Piratez
89. Bad Old Kid
90. Zyntrix
91. Inf Alice
92. Im Plastered
93. Adrenz
94. Prfsr Snape
95. Flexthet Rex
96. Inf Ant
97. Old Atlas
98. Drizzling
99. Young Thug I
100. Brbmelbourne
101. Slander
102. J Ee P
103. N O R D O R
104. Dlt
105. Inf York
106. Pvm Kehba
107. Spacing Outt
108. Slammed Gang
109. Luciela
110. T1mbow
111. Binf
112. Brb Drugs
113. Robut
114. Schmorky
115. I Use Piety
116. Big Panky
117. Japoolie
118. Soulessradio
119. Xsagearts
120. Login Lagout
121. Monkeydcoty
122. Its Nievey
123. Also Wtj
124. Tiva
125. Honest Ted
126. Tantoon
127. Sqoonk
128. Dy3hard
129. 2277totalbtw
130. Cloud Scapes
131. Twinturbov6
132. Lnlm
133. No Thanks Ty
134. Inf Skater
135. Infcider
136. Icyene Hero
137. Inf Claire
138. Normie Aris
Players in group not in database (35):
1. parker___nev
2. 420osrs
3. inf_justin_f
4. inf_jordan_i
5. sirbegalot
6. sir_diesel
7. calmnlifted_
8. el_brian
9. a_sith_lord
10. jimlahey
11. glowman19
12. iluvbunz
13. inf_c4___c4h
14. roastmastr
15. maplondon
16. biziamo
17. lx_light_xl
18. inf_froob_ca
19. inf_haven
20. inf_anthony
21. its_randy
22. live2pk
23. chantzzzzzzz
24. di_methyl_t
25. doggonator
26. dryrattell
27. metsulfuron
28. infinite_swa
29. inf_hannibal
30. inf_rs
31. tickers
32. off_my_tree
33. swapdagp
34. oh_geez
35. ecu_pirates
Players in group not on hiscores (89):
1. 0 Ki Ri To 0
2. 2277totalbtw
3. Also Wtj
4. Big Panky
5. Binf
6. Brbmelbourne
7. Bugzie
8. Closed
9. Cte Osrs
10. Dlt
11. Drizzling
12. Ecu Piratez
13. Epiccripple
14. Flexthet Rex
15. Honest Ted
16. Infcider
17. Inf Alice
18. Inf Ant
19. Inf Claire
20. Inf Drunken
21. Inf Gloves
22. Inf Jagged
23. Inf Keef
24. Inf Norml
25. Inf Sqoon
26. Inf York
27. Its Nievey
28. I Use Piety
29. J Ee P
30. Lnlm
31. Login Lagout
32. Luciela
33. Lumpywater
34. Marshy
35. Normie Aris
36. No Thanks Ty
37. N O R D O R
38. Og Matches
39. Old Atlas
40. Paper Frank
41. Party Blunt
42. Pvm Kehba
43. Pvm Roasted
44. Riptlde
45. Snekysnek
46. Soulessradio
47. Sqoonk
48. Stinkmonky
49. Tantoon
50. Twinturbov6
51. Xsagearts
52. Young Thug I
53. Yu 32
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