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Create competition from t d d fc
Current Top for t d d fc
Records for t d d fc

Group ID: 7348
Total names in group: 123
Total names in database: 63
Total datapoints: 18,844
Total efficient time played: 44,364 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 63
Average virtual total level: 1,768
Average virtual combat level: 111.25
Total XP: 11,644,436,602
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 8,878,748

Average XP of each player:
184,832,327 xp
10,492,678 xp (lvl 96)
8,989,972 xp (lvl 95)
15,441,313 xp (lvl 100)
20,246,063 xp (lvl 103)
17,403,317 xp (lvl 101)
4,654,835 xp (lvl 88)
10,834,701 xp (lvl 97)
11,009,218 xp (lvl 97)
8,844,056 xp (lvl 95)
5,361,862 xp (lvl 90)
5,384,571 xp (lvl 90)
6,282,185 xp (lvl 91)
5,092,695 xp (lvl 89)
5,520,621 xp (lvl 90)
4,820,838 xp (lvl 88)
4,362,714 xp (lvl 87)
4,025,564 xp (lvl 87)
5,317,896 xp (lvl 89)
9,734,155 xp (lvl 96)
8,343,685 xp (lvl 94)
3,695,697 xp (lvl 86)
5,153,341 xp (lvl 89)
3,754,750 xp (lvl 86)

Players in group (123):
1. 07wan
2. Wanwan156
3. Joke De Kehh
4. Hcironwan
5. Cash399
6. Chonklawrd
7. Thrisel
8. S4b Fallen
9. Apex Of Flex
10. The G Herbo
11. Ziabo
12. Chiiikn
13. Man Decoy
14. Stuffn123
15. Fling U Over
16. Not Level Ch
17. Roll Of Tape
18. Dexorcism
19. Crazy Rng
20. Schaapers
21. God Of Milkz
22. Dlongjohnson
23. Farhanian
24. Fearme6666
25. Bacon Burger
26. Wyutt
27. Ugothairyleg
28. Looting Pig
29. T D D Jay
30. Juntunenzz
31. Hennyscape
32. T D D Murda
33. Podvodnik
34. Jophatmama
35. Infizier
36. Txpxreckless
37. Nilbog420
38. Teh Blade
39. Dank Beard
40. T21sn
41. Tdd Kushies
42. Leanbackw00d
43. Ramrod Drew
44. Sinist3r Std
45. Stevy Wonder
46. Dfron1
47. Borads
48. Devon1337
49. Hot Guy6pack
50. Zigzagoonfmt
51. Pvmfriend
52. Catsonacid
53. Bradilicious
54. Errowyn
55. Ruby V2
56. Yeah I Did
57. Bradley36
58. 1 0 Mil
59. Chewy Ballz
60. Pvp Pearl
61. Resetname
62. Spectating
63. Trentdaniel
64. Scooby Dooz
65. Neon Gand
66. Towi96
67. Creepinmohic
68. Andrewgmac
69. Expert Shot1
70. Stearn Bear
71. Killmeimiron
72. Rahulcswimz
73. Tdd Hedwig
74. Enndzz
75. Dankeh Kong
76. Cupid Of Rs
77. Bombshell236
78. Maloonasb
79. King Leion
80. Kltryt
81. Chendmar
82. G R I Z Z
83. 3sicx
84. W Hite Onyx
85. Drake N Josh
86. T D D Ghost
87. Benoitsghost
88. Sage Advice
89. Knpchi Vrsce
90. Not Level
91. Destroyedyou
92. Egr711
93. Drunkbears
94. Tdd Sup G
95. Tiger Inc
96. Vial Of Lean
97. Petboi
98. Jcbmorganltd
99. Scoop Daloot
100. Gfroonscape
101. Tdd 0wned
102. Xxneiliamxx
103. Rng Jeesus
104. Magic 13ow
105. Light Breeze
106. All 4 Aubree
107. Saymyname
108. Morty Jr
109. Alonorr
110. Warex
111. Morley
112. Divine Rose
113. Goldeen
114. Slayguy
115. Bitdice
116. Vedzitas
117. Savage Kidzz
118. Hungry Kids
119. Guam Tar
120. Pe Ep
121. Girly Name
122. Fodgfdpgw30
123. Ct Circuz

Players in group not in database (1):
1. not_level_ch

Players in group not on hiscores (60):
1. 3sicx
2. All 4 Aubree
3. Alonorr
4. Bitdice
5. Chewy Ballz
6. Chonklawrd
7. Crazy Rng
8. Ct Circuz
9. Dankeh Kong
10. Destroyedyou
11. Dexorcism
12. Dfron1
13. Dlongjohnson
14. Drunkbears
15. Egr711
16. Enndzz
17. Fling U Over
18. Gfroonscape
19. Girly Name
20. God Of Milkz
21. G R I Z Z
22. Hcironwan
23. Hennyscape
24. Hungry Kids
25. Jcbmorganltd
26. Killmeimiron
27. King Leion
28. Magic 13ow
29. Morley
30. Morty Jr
31. Neon Gand
32. Nilbog420
33. Pe Ep
34. Pvp Pearl
35. Rahulcswimz
36. Ramrod Drew
37. Resetname
38. Ruby V2
39. Savage Kidzz
40. Scoop Daloot
41. Sinist3r Std
42. Slayguy
43. Spectating
44. Stevy Wonder
45. Stuffn123
46. Tdd 0wned
47. Tdd Hedwig
48. Tdd Kushies
49. Tdd Sup G
50. Tiger Inc
51. T D D Ghost
52. T D D Jay
53. T D D Murda
54. Vedzitas
55. Vial Of Lean
56. Warex
57. Wyutt
58. W Hite Onyx
59. Xxneiliamxx
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