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Records for We Play Hard
Group ID: 6773
Total names in group: 25
Total names in database: 10
Total datapoints: 3,753
Total efficient time played: 8,911 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 10
Average virtual total level: 1,923
Average virtual combat level: 111.8
Total XP: 2,412,304,471
Total XP gained today: 415,155
Total XP gained this week: 3,857,918
Total XP gained this month: 21,788,697
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (25):
1. Old Hyrule
2. Morning Iron
3. N0tac0p420
4. Iron Memro
5. Iron Derek
6. Sloth Paced
7. Capper Hades
8. 13anabolic24
9. A Message
10. Burnediron
11. Douggernaut
12. Iron Gate
13. Iron Mclaren
14. Iron Totalz
15. Iron Mccall
16. Msorpg
17. Slowgrind
18. Theboaters
19. U R G E
20. N 54
21. Wph Zardoct
22. Mint Life
23. Rossi
24. Normals Blow
25. K Nobhead
Players in group not in database (5):
1. capper_hades
2. 13anabolic24
3. iron_totalz
4. iron_mccall
5. slowgrind
Players in group not on hiscores (15):
1. Iron Derek
2. Iron Memro
3. K Nobhead
4. Mint Life
5. Msorpg
6. Sloth Paced
7. Theboaters
8. U R G E
9. Wph Zardoct
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