
Create competition from Bratuga
Current Top for Bratuga
Records for Bratuga

Group ID: 6479
Total names in group: 4
Total names in database: 2
Total datapoints: 452
Total efficient time played: 1,050 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 2
Average virtual total level: 1,888
Average virtual combat level: 108
Total XP: 191,116,554
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 407,620

Average XP of each player:
95,558,277 xp
3,459,039 xp (lvl 85)
4,572,979 xp (lvl 88)
7,463,158 xp (lvl 93)
7,774,694 xp (lvl 93)
5,575,827 xp (lvl 90)
1,045,195 xp (lvl 73)
4,305,305 xp (lvl 87)
8,540,789 xp (lvl 94)
2,665,214 xp (lvl 82)
3,906,171 xp (lvl 86)
3,745,892 xp (lvl 86)
7,064,462 xp (lvl 92)
7,166,394 xp (lvl 92)
1,291,230 xp (lvl 75)
7,881,301 xp (lvl 93)
785,155 xp (lvl 70)
7,145,869 xp (lvl 92)
1,498,365 xp (lvl 77)
4,394,601 xp (lvl 88)
1,642,029 xp (lvl 78)
746,469 xp (lvl 70)
1,257,285 xp (lvl 75)
1,630,847 xp (lvl 78)

Players in group (4):
1. Aeganor
2. Fresh V0dka
3. Chevy Power
4. Itugalordi

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (2):
1. Chevy Power
2. Itugalordi
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