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Records for Influence
Group ID: 6272
Total names in group: 51
Total names in database: 27
Total datapoints: 8,832
Total efficient time played: 15,641 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 27
Average virtual total level: 1,838
Average virtual combat level: 115.07
Total XP: 4,217,715,154
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 59,661
Total XP gained this month: 679,261
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (51):
1. 0ldschoolera
2. 187 On U
3. 6 1 8
4. Are See
5. Baldnudeman
6. Cashewk
7. Demongar
8. Dvinebattle
9. Equil Ibrium
10. Farmboy
11. Icy Rawr
12. Kandoomagic
13. Kingboozer
14. Lucksquirrel
15. Metalic0skin
16. Mex Arkantos
17. Nasty Naps
18. Ogalith
19. P3gg3rs
20. Papa Biceps
21. Pepper N Boo
22. Pinkpepsi22
23. Pungbaek
24. Sniffcocane
25. Stiles05
26. Synnpai
27. T0 Valhalla
28. Timpish12
29. Wutty
30. Yuri 25
31. Zumbe
32. Idylani
33. Juangook
34. Marci
35. Pabstboomer
36. Xl Beast Lx
37. Neijen05
38. Nick Themain
39. Poundtaco
40. 4g
41. No Gender
42. Tushiikuchii
43. Bugsy Siegel
44. G0db
45. Wiseguy581
46. Webdow
47. Cpt Miyagi
48. Milkingurmom
49. Gravidate
50. Galgadotsbf
51. Damn Pet
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (24):
1. 4g
2. Damn Pet
3. Demongar
4. Equil Ibrium
5. Gravidate
6. Icy Rawr
7. Juangook
8. Marci
9. Milkingurmom
10. No Gender
11. Pabstboomer
12. Papa Biceps
13. Pepper N Boo
14. Pinkpepsi22
15. Poundtaco
16. Pungbaek
17. Sniffcocane
18. Stiles05
19. Timpish12
20. Tushiikuchii
21. Webdow
22. Wutty
23. Xl Beast Lx
24. Zumbe
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