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Records for Smith

Group ID: 6240
Total names in group: 33
Total names in database: 10
Total datapoints: 1,306
Total efficient time played: 2,869 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 10
Average virtual total level: 712
Average virtual combat level: 36.9
Total XP: 1,042,181,780
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 6,387,107

Average XP of each player:
104,218,178 xp
5,674,898 xp (lvl 90)
3,700,571 xp (lvl 86)
6,327,255 xp (lvl 91)
7,419,208 xp (lvl 93)
6,440,190 xp (lvl 91)
649,901 xp (lvl 68)
6,621,747 xp (lvl 92)
1,211,612 xp (lvl 75)
785,827 xp (lvl 70)
2,012,142 xp (lvl 80)
1,096,920 xp (lvl 74)
791,731 xp (lvl 70)
1,136,973 xp (lvl 74)
52,893,122 xp (lvl 113)
2,818,916 xp (lvl 83)
821,683 xp (lvl 71)
297,372 xp (lvl 60)
510,373 xp (lvl 66)
513,681 xp (lvl 66)
986,955 xp (lvl 72)
150,754 xp (lvl 53)
633,491 xp (lvl 68)
636,883 xp (lvl 68)

Players in group (33):
1. Slowlydig624
2. Saebah Naja
3. Jaijaijai
4. Alber04
5. Gula 347
6. O X
7. Mbot777
8. Shawn Mikael
9. Reese Harold
10. Bhoga Lakun
11. Nostalgic11
12. Scoleza
13. Miracul0us
14. Hephaest0s
15. Justipox
16. Cadet Paul
17. Craftmancraf
18. Furtek Lt
19. Aegis Kudo
20. Charlessteve
21. Red Fur
22. Sarah Lee
23. Xdurangring
24. Zugpferd
25. Sam Moo Hung
26. Lost Souls99
27. Neng Jono
28. Alwaysrun
29. Richy Ray
30. Bimbims
31. Nikolateslax
32. Tersakiti202
33. Go Renk

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (23):
1. Aegis Kudo
2. Alber04
3. Alwaysrun
4. Bhoga Lakun
5. Bimbims
6. Cadet Paul
7. Charlessteve
8. Craftmancraf
9. Go Renk
10. Gula 347
11. Jaijaijai
12. Justipox
13. Lost Souls99
14. Mbot777
15. Neng Jono
16. Nikolateslax
17. Sam Moo Hung
18. Sarah Lee
19. Scoleza
20. Slowlydig624
21. Tersakiti202
22. Xdurangring
23. Zugpferd
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