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Records for TimeLess
Group ID: 6228
Total names in group: 29
Total names in database: 16
Total datapoints: 11,294
Total efficient time played: 18,548 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 16
Average virtual total level: 2,068
Average virtual combat level: 129.25
Total XP: 5,930,329,438
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 17,682,238
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (29):
1. The Tuck
2. Ok Ok
3. Chanceh87
4. Eatthebooti
5. Ikeep1r0lled
6. Weedloverr
7. My Hellpuppy
8. Anti No Life
9. Imps United
10. Wit Chu
11. Time Lobby
12. The Egg V2
13. Pvm Haze
14. Slayaah
15. Im Excalibur
16. Yazzarr
17. Ismerei
18. Oxit
19. King Nick H
20. I Snort Pot
21. Tun4
22. King M0le
23. Dragnslaya
24. Paws
25. Meechy Dark
26. Justifiable
27. Darkskys
28. Kyraa
29. Whoistired
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (13):
1. Chanceh87
2. Darkskys
3. Dragnslaya
4. Ismerei
5. I Snort Pot
6. King M0le
7. King Nick H
8. My Hellpuppy
9. Paws
10. The Tuck
11. Tun4
12. Whoistired
13. Yazzarr
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