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Records for Forsaken
Group ID: 5945
Total names in group: 67
Total names in database: 29
Total datapoints: 23,331
Total efficient time played: 29,655 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 29
Average virtual total level: 1,902
Average virtual combat level: 125.52
Total XP: 9,770,032,067
Total XP gained today: 781,747
Total XP gained this week: 4,681,321
Total XP gained this month: 25,587,622
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (67):
1. Z I U
2. Master R124
3. Pgx
4. Unknownplaya
5. Jafkk
6. Oob
7. Gl Im Fancy
8. Replan
9. Barca Tanker
10. Lagelanden
11. Dg Poseidon
12. Meulendijks4
13. Dg Clown
14. Kritical
15. Bestweed
16. Maboe
17. Feyenoord36
18. Vipul
19. Billy O
20. Icy Ruier
21. Lkillreturn
22. Alicer Jr
23. Look Thc
24. Ila161
25. Kitty Go Moo
26. Tr Pk Leader
27. Kankerrboef
28. Fsk East
29. Fsk Grande
30. Fsk Reiss
31. Bucky Savage
32. Fsk Jyri
33. Fsk Mike
34. Fsk Sharmota
35. Dosoqii
36. Xmike
37. Fullcllp
38. Ik Ben
39. Darkruler633
40. Ratztztztztz
41. Fsk Xpaco
42. Bladechef
43. Dirty Lola
44. Darth Vape
45. Alpha Lifter
46. Tea N Milk
47. Fgtboe
48. Fartmachine
49. Df Vs W0rld
50. Dirty Lily
51. White Kia
52. Pexo
53. Fsk Council
54. I Gotmaddie
55. Tomnumbers
56. Charlotte Xx
57. Amasuk Ucoc
58. Healer Fsk
59. Michele Ac
60. Atilio
61. Xbasti
62. I Am Done
63. Good Guy Ali
64. Rapier Prod
65. Foo0ooo0o0st
66. Hexis Dat
67. 2722011
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (38):
1. Alicer Jr
2. Alpha Lifter
3. Amasuk Ucoc
4. Atilio
5. Bestweed
6. Bladechef
7. Bucky Savage
8. Charlotte Xx
9. Darth Vape
10. Df Vs W0rld
11. Dg Clown
12. Dirty Lily
13. Dirty Lola
14. Dosoqii
15. Fartmachine
16. Fgtboe
17. Foo0ooo0o0st
18. Fsk Council
19. Fsk East
20. Fsk Jyri
21. Fsk Mike
22. Fsk Reiss
23. Fsk Sharmota
24. Fsk Xpaco
25. Fullcllp
26. Good Guy Ali
27. Healer Fsk
28. Hexis Dat
29. Ik Ben
30. I Gotmaddie
31. Kankerrboef
32. Kitty Go Moo
33. Kritical
34. Lkillreturn
35. Look Thc
36. Ratztztztztz
37. Tr Pk Leader
38. White Kia
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