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Create competition from Stud Unit
Current Top for Stud Unit
Records for Stud Unit

Group ID: 5547
Total names in group: 160
Total names in database: 102
Total datapoints: 111,640
Total efficient time played: 173,559 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 102
Average virtual total level: 2,205
Average virtual combat level: 133.42
Total XP: 59,258,363,417
Total XP gained today: 374,567
Total XP gained this week: 31,342,661
Total XP gained this month: 284,001,922

Average XP of each player:
580,964,347 xp
40,553,227 xp (lvl 110)
35,573,513 xp (lvl 109)
61,109,926 xp (lvl 114)
75,052,198 xp (lvl 116)
66,193,986 xp (lvl 115)
15,184,808 xp (lvl 100)
37,194,458 xp (lvl 109)
29,036,882 xp (lvl 107)
17,964,640 xp (lvl 102)
15,642,675 xp (lvl 100)
14,469,109 xp (lvl 100)
15,925,299 xp (lvl 101)
16,046,799 xp (lvl 101)
12,406,428 xp (lvl 98)
11,603,870 xp (lvl 97)
12,749,100 xp (lvl 98)
10,835,001 xp (lvl 97)
14,965,715 xp (lvl 100)
23,249,268 xp (lvl 104)
24,042,347 xp (lvl 105)
9,923,367 xp (lvl 96)
11,640,836 xp (lvl 97)
9,558,996 xp (lvl 95)

Players in group (160):
1. Duo Armadyl
2. 13purecs
3. Aleks
4. Bleekybleeky
5. Camerocity
6. Craig
7. Moes
8. Stud Empire
9. Ace2cool
10. Slay Helm
11. X Lafferty X
12. Nate
13. Maroo
14. Exenas
15. Daun
16. Masterx
17. X Harnas X
18. Brants
19. Jetflame
20. Wiki James
21. Footlocker
22. Beast O O
23. Ptol
24. Stud Falcun
25. Mobo
26. Shatter Day
27. Spencer 07
28. Zapzing
29. Stud Ven
30. Barcia
31. Dumpert
32. Bad Mon
33. Isopropain
34. Lieven
35. How To Quit
36. Dalek Cookie
37. Klycko Ltu
38. Sigil Hansen
39. Panndabearr
40. Eddymaxx
41. Bmoes 10
42. Bryce 2o4
43. 4spark
44. Mcgill
45. Mr Fake Taxi
46. Heatas
47. Mvto
48. Dirty Audio
49. Jafacakeman
50. Donnie Pvm
51. Trio Elysian
52. Jojora
53. Dosequis
54. Worms
55. Xjiking 1
56. Code Black20
57. Vertix
58. K Ab
59. Sir Biles
60. Saffyo1
61. James 07
62. Callgun
63. Hot Box
64. Raiden 1
65. Beastin Fury
66. T E X A S
67. F3ts
68. Afrie
69. Sam You Ell
70. Cw
71. Com3ts
72. Ll Gatica Ll
73. Og Kus H
74. Machu Pichu
75. Gub
76. 13 Phat Dabs
77. Robbie V
78. Nutts2butts
79. Tony Soprano
80. Joshery
81. 1lov3w33d
82. 1 Jeesus
83. Sun Fun
84. Grazing Goat
85. Foreveralone
86. Wizards
87. Antisigil
88. Box Office
89. Rambo Vip
90. Mynameistrev
91. Sdn
92. Paxin
93. Oblv Emre
94. Duzy
95. Stud Luke
96. Victhestud
97. Abertawe
98. Newton Laws
99. Tuttimelon
100. Stud Wins
101. Olmolested
102. Petru
103. Switch Fool
104. Pvm Pets
105. B E C
106. Hypertroll
107. Babygr00t
108. Mandred
109. Reps
110. Maxo Kream
111. Sloths
112. God Of Cerb
113. Deeego
114. Thicc
115. Insanityx
116. Heaven Blade
117. Tuyen
118. Space Cake
119. Chloes
120. Jaydee
121. Boss Slayer
122. Cheomeister
123. Rolain
124. Wuaoeaeuoauo
125. I Love Lolis
126. Kushtrlm
127. Gov
128. Savige
129. Bcp
130. Adrian Hunk
131. Metroidman70
132. Toxic Fog
133. Shredded Irl
134. Hbd Joe
135. Welld
136. Mjay
137. Prang Mantis
138. Cloud Badass
139. Dewskii
140. Sidekicks
141. Spike Maz
142. Ggremlin
143. Tzrek Zukk
144. Joe Jelly
145. Dreamjt
146. Claire Xo
147. Puppadile
148. 75 7 75 5 77
149. Inb4elysian
150. Ziiax
151. Vapeape1
152. Spoice
153. M 7
154. Herpesperse
155. Irish
156. Re Frozen
157. $35.00 Donator Jok
158. Yersun
159. Frank White
160. Z X W Fm

Players in group not in database (6):
1. stud_empire
2. stud_ven
3. bad_mon
4. xjiking_1
5. nutts2butts
6. antisigil

Players in group not on hiscores (58):
1. 13purecs
2. 13 Phat Dabs
3. 75 7 75 5 77
4. Adrian Hunk
5. Afrie
6. Babygr00t
7. Beast O O
8. Chloes
9. Claire Xo
10. Code Black20
11. Dirty Audio
12. Eddymaxx
13. Exenas
14. F3ts
15. God Of Cerb
16. Hbd Joe
17. Heaven Blade
18. Herpesperse
19. I Love Lolis
20. Joe Jelly
21. Klycko Ltu
22. Kushtrlm
23. K Ab
24. Machu Pichu
25. Maxo Kream
26. Metroidman70
27. Mobo
28. Newton Laws
29. Oblv Emre
30. Olmolested
31. Panndabearr
32. Paxin
33. Petru
34. Pvm Pets
35. Raiden 1
36. Rambo Vip
37. Robbie V
38. Savige
39. Slay Helm
40. Stud Falcun
41. Stud Luke
42. Stud Wins
43. Sun Fun
44. Toxic Fog
45. Tzrek Zukk
46. Vapeape1
47. Victhestud
48. Welld
49. Wuaoeaeuoauo
50. Yersun
51. Ziiax
52. Z X W Fm
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