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Create competition from v gud farmurs
Current Top for v gud farmurs
Records for v gud farmurs

Group ID: 4577
Total names in group: 6
Total names in database: 5
Total datapoints: 21,481
Total efficient time played: 4,339 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 5
Average virtual total level: 1,312
Average virtual combat level: 83
Total XP: 1,828,774,019
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
365,754,803 xp
13,274,674 xp (lvl 99)
11,481,531 xp (lvl 97)
38,397,559 xp (lvl 109)
25,531,455 xp (lvl 105)
10,758,826 xp (lvl 97)
5,511,822 xp (lvl 90)
13,001,125 xp (lvl 98)
37,202,639 xp (lvl 109)
5,794,832 xp (lvl 90)
6,285,374 xp (lvl 91)
5,757,404 xp (lvl 90)
10,098,143 xp (lvl 96)
7,716,666 xp (lvl 93)
5,412,623 xp (lvl 90)
5,465,001 xp (lvl 90)
6,044,390 xp (lvl 91)
5,476,048 xp (lvl 90)
5,986,362 xp (lvl 91)
7,828,818 xp (lvl 93)
120,432,995 xp (lvl 121)
7,427,224 xp (lvl 93)
5,489,314 xp (lvl 90)
5,288,630 xp (lvl 89)

Players in group (6):
1. Jimster275
2. $35.00 Donator Irva
3. Kross
4. Foxxe
5. $25.00 Donator Axylix
6. $5.00 Donator Belyra

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (1):
1. $35.00 Donator Irva
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